It's a fucking huge flying leviathan dragon. Everybody loves leviathans.
It's a fucking huge lava dinosaur. Everbody likes dinosaurs.
It's a fucking huge orca and has pretty ribbons. Everybody likes orcas!
Whales are meme/10 though.
Whereas palkia is a what? What the hell is that nasty benis head.
Dialga is okay but 4 feet animal is shit and over design syndrome.
Giratina suffers from this but origin form is okay but nobody likes centipedes.
Arceus is a literal deer with some weird hoop shit.
Zekrom and Reshiram suffer from what the hell is that is that an ant sac or some shot syndrome
Simple kyurem suffers from my back hurts syndrome my arms are short too.
Deer is pretty cool but way too gay.
Fucking Y is a literal piece of bacon. Shit is so bland. It's literally a fucking Y. Give it some depth for gods sake.
Dude power rangers.
Tapus are cool themed but not everyone likes aboriginal themed designs.
Solgaleo suffers from good old 4 feet is shit and another fucking lion syndrome.
Lunala suffers from the same thing as Y. It's a fucking flat as panel.