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5-6IV Ditto Mystery Giveaway

No.31241762 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's distribute some blobs today. I've got 26 5IV/0 Speed Dittos and 26 hexaperfect ones, all holding Gold Bottle Caps just waiting for new homes.
>y-you guys already have your Knots, right?
Now, I know what you might be thinking:

26? What a fucking awkward number anon, kys

Well, that's where the mystery comes in. These Dittos all have different Natures (1 of each for both classes of Ditto) and amongst them are 10 shinies (5 penta and 5 hexa). So, let's spice this thread with a little luck and maybe have some fun with it!

Now, posting rules:
Pokemon (Poliwag for a 5IV blob, Minior for a 6IV one); they all must be named PRAISE VP
Level (must be 11+)
Ball it's in