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No.31287554 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>On an alternate earth Gamefreak had written the games story so that Lusamine had found found a way to fuse with Buzzwole instead of Nihilego
>mfw we missed out on muscular Lusamine

>On an alternate earth Gamefreak had written the games story so that Lusamine had found found a way to fuse with Celesteela instead of Nihilego
>mfw we missed out on giantess Lusamine

>On an alternate earth Gamefreak had written the games story so that Lusamine had found found a way to fuse with Kartana instead of Nihilego
>mfw we missed out on tiny Lusamine

>On an alternate earth Gamefreak had written the games story so that Lusamine had found found a way to fuse with pheromosa instead of Nihilego
>mfw we missed out on amazon fighter Lusamine

>On an alternate earth Gamefreak had written the games story so that Lusamine had found found a way to fuse with Guzzlord instead of Nihilego
>mfw we missed out on fat hungry Lusamine

Why is it always one step forwards and two steps back with Gamefreak?