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[185 / 9 / ?]

Box Legend Giveaway

!oJ1PUmPXuY No.31289424 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
i think this is gonna be the only one i do today, i'm a little busy later. regardless, i come with legendaries... and necrozma.
one box of:
all battle ready, holding a gold bottle cap for good measure.
what to do:
>put a FLETCHINDER on the gts asking for a level 91-100 solgaleo, lunaala or necrozma. you can find fletchinder on route 8
>multiple dips are fine but please be mindful of the queue ahead of you
>be patient, i know i'm a little slow but i will get everyone
IF YOU THINK YOU WERE SKIPPED, do the following:
>put a different fletchinder on the gts than the one you had on before
>if that doesn't work, put up a different mon and tell me exactly what it is
i don't know why the gts just doesn't show some people, but this seems to fix it.
IF YOU'RE CONSTANTLY GETTING SNIPED for some reason and you were earlier in the queue, please let me know and i will get you as soon as i see you.
you're free to BUMP your request post, but please, please do not do it constantly. i will provide queue updates on request, and also when i check the stock. if you bump your post, i'll tell you if you're in the gts queue or not. if i say you're there, please do not redeposit. if i say you were not, see what to do if you were skipped.
cheers, /vp/
let's get this show on the road