So far I'm having a good time, to those playing I recommend trying to load a normal Crystal ROM into the emulator because when I did it I was flooerd by how much this hack improved the original on a technical standpoint.
The difficuty is fair but it has a few mean moments, like a Swimmer with an overleveled team that can snipe you while you're on land, a random fisherman with a milotic out of nowhere, and some gyms being a bit too close to each other. It would greatly benefit from a newgen-like exp. share because keeping a full team up with the level curve is pretty tedious without spacebar spam like in VBA. The dungeons are very resource consuming (and that's a good thing), but there's way too many long empty corridors that just pan out the gameplay and force you to stock on repels.
The "evil team" is cool but having to fight 5 bosses instead of a dozen grunts and 1 or 2 bosses at every plot point is a bit stupid: many times I've been forced to go in and out of a cave multiple times between battles.
Mining would be cool if it was actually something more than pressing A at a wall and hoping for the best, but it's still better than nothing.
The custom spritework has some questionable quality, you can clearly see the difference between the new sprites and the original ones. I find it strange that such an important project couldn't attract more talented pixel artists.
Also, how on earth did he not realize that pseudos make for terrible early game mons? At least he -kinda- makes up for it by giving you a cyndaquil early on.