>>31310658because caves were full of wild encounters, especially zubats which could fuck you with confusion
they also had plenty of trainers
even if you healed regularly, it was hard to keep up the pp of your best moves
and then Green would appear before you could make it to the fucking pokemon center
things were easier after Starmie for plenty of reasons
>you could get a magikarp and turn it into a high cheese OU monster>there were three fantastic and easily obtainable ground pokemon around the time you faced Surge>your Pidgey would have evolved by the time you get to Erika, or you could just get a Flareon>with a Kadabra and any fire or flying type, poison gym was easy to blast throughBut Sabrina could still fuck you up because lol no psychic counters. Blaine and Giovanni were easy enough due to the variety of pokemon you should have already had. But then the E4 hit and they really fucked you up if you didn't have a good variety of moves. Fortunately you could buy ice beam by cheesing slot machines forever, but if you didn't then Lance would tear your ass up.
Basically G1 became easy by cheesing. Yet, if you power level in G7 (easy, thanks to exp. share, refresh, and wonder trade/GTS), people say you're a retard for making the game "easy."