I really like the look of pic related (EU/UK only, looks like) and now's the best time to buy it, I guess. It'll suck saying good bye to my US NNID, but with CFW being a real thing now, I guess I can deal with it. My save data will still work with US .cias I guess.
>>31339551Oh, nice! That looks cool. I remember getting custom buttons and all that stuff on the PSP, but dust would get inside the screen and drive me crazy.
>>31339645>tfw there's the Animal Crossing one there for £149.99>I don't care about AC, but it's white and the cheapest I've seenFug.
Should I stay with an N3DS XL or go for a smaller screen size w/face plates? Is the N3DS XL more powerful compared to the N3DS? If the only difference is only the screen size, I may downsize. Decisions, decisions.