>>31373837Well, first off there's the concept of using legendaries as a currency. The GTS is shit for trying to exchange for Pokemon beyond the few details that they let you filter for.
So you take something desirable, and you cash in for a legendary, which you can then exchange for another desirable pokemon.
To get into the market without having to give up your own Apricorn Balls or legendaries, get lucky with Wonder-trade because balltism breeding rejects aren't inherently valuable and people get rid of them on WT if GTS is being slow.
From there, just breed the one you get and trade those babies in for something reasonable by trade currency standards, I usually do Type:Null, maybe a Zygarde form, but some of the more common Ultra Beasts can work.
Once you have your foot in the door, you can worry about getting more balltism mons or legendaries that you actually want.