>>31373227But they did suspect it earlier. And it wasn't banned that time. Sable isn't as much as a restrictive teambuilding nightmare as it was at the end ORAS, because it has more counters that are really, really fucking good, even when not designed specifically to counter it, counter every set and are easy to fit on. It would not be banned. And like I said, the top ladder players are generally using or have been seen using Stall because it makes bads angry, so they quit or just make shit plays.
>high elo and also doesn't play StallSo we agree Stall isn't needed to get elo?
>>31373243Then why doesn't stall actually dominate tournaments, places where skilled players are actually trying to win? Don't say they aren't being used there, because they are, just like balance, offense, rain and friends.
There's a reason stuff like SD LO Bish, Dragonite and Stall are common on the ladder, but uncommon in serious battles among the best. They feed heavily off misplays, which aren't being made that often.
>>31373276Hope you aren't talking about VGC, lol.