>>31401583Are you retarded?
Do you even know the definition of internet rule #34?
"If it exists, there is porn of it. No exceptions"
Every single starter from every generation has porn of it. Even the ones where you wish there wasn't porn of , there is porn of it.
People have been drawing porn of the starters since gen-fucking-1.
The only reasons you may see more porn of one over another, is because:
One has existed longer than the other.
Some have designs more aesthetically pleasing in general. (doesn't matter how humanoid it is or not, it just has to "look good", which includes your view of "cool")
>But they draw them with human features to make it furry pornFuck off. There is also countless porn of all of them completely on-model. There could be no furries on the entire planet and you would still find porn of all of them.
But what's even more pathetic is that you actually let all the porn bother you. Grow the hell up. if you don't like soemthing, ignore it like a normal human being. Shit only bothers you as much as you let it.
Come back when you're actually old enough to post on this board, and your balls have dropped.