>>31425945I'm literally in my first playthrough of Y, i just got it after doing everything possible in moon as i pretty much had skipped the all the DS/3DS game except BW and i have a lot of things to say about it.
first and foremost, the most aggravating thing so far, the absolutely horrendous controls. the rollerskates are turbo shit and the camera is also fucking horrible. trying to interact with npcs and click shit is unnecessarily difficult to the point i just rather walk (not even run) through things.
i don't really mind the chibis/overworld models but the terrible controls don't help them at all.
the old pc layout and hms are undoubtedly worse than SM's but the pc boot and moves faster, which is a good thing. having just one move and doing everthing from there is an improvement over having 4 "modes" for which only manage boxes matters 99% of the time.
i like the big map and rotom on the bottom screen but both menus are arguably ok, battle menus on SM are slightly better arranged but again, it could go either way.
XY has way too many pokemon per route, trying to get everything on one go as i like to do is pretty tedious/unrealistic but SM's pokemon distribution isn't perfect either way.
won't talk about the story until i finish it, obviously, but SM felt more railroady, at least there's a couple of explorable alternative routes on XY and full interconnected routes-towns are nice, needing three transitions per rout is kind of shitty of SM.
i don't think i can ever be fair about XY after playing SM first but those are my few cents.