ITT: People who know nothing about art discuss art.
>>31467894The inconsistent thickness on Feraligatr's linework is armature as fuck and most all art directors would throw this back at the artist and tell him to do it over, especially if said drawing was going to be printed and distributed.
Aurorus' linework is much better in that it's consistent with it's lines, and manages to use a brush that has a rough, papery texture without having obvious dips in thickness like on Feraligatr. It can be made transparent easily, which is useful when it needs to be put on something like a book cover, or printed out as a sticker.
>>31467812>>It's bland and shows how little effort they put into it.What takes 'little effort' is having shitty lineart and not bothering to make it look good at a high resolution. Have you ever drawn a picture in your life?