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Did anyone else like what pokemon could been instead of what it was

No.31486747 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ever since the series started I just always seemed to like what it could be instead of what it actually was.

I loved majority of the monster designs and the battles; but I hated the trainer, collecting and capturing aspect.
I am not sure dudes, honestly what I wanted was a monster hero journey instead of what we got.

I honestly wished they were individuals instead of spieces/breeds that people kept.
Also the fact that most of them could only say their names bothered me.

I remember being upset during the movie, because of the constant
"Stop it, Mewtwo", the protagonists weren't even the main focus.
The whole thing sucked.

In 1996-1998 there was a severe hero drought, and many of the cool shows ended; it got so bad kids were saying how cool rugrats were. Back then we couldn't access anime as easily or old content.

Saving the world didn't seem cliche at that point in my life because hardly anyone really did that in any medium I watched
it was all small scale.
>Mario saving the princess (saved the world in rpg though)
>Batman saves Gotham
> Many other video game heroes were just saving loved ones as well

I was even [playing the games I wished they could have been more than what they were.
The world all seemed too safe up until say gen 4 for a couple of moments
(inb4 someone mentions pokedex flavor text, let's actually see some of that in game)

Inb4 says it's for kids, in other rpgs there was actual danger, look at the other Nintendo rpgs like the mother series, any Mario RPG, for example the heroes were put in perilous situations.

Truth be told, Digimon Xros or the Mystery dungeon special was honestly what I wanted from beginning from both Pokemon and Digimon.

A rowdy monster hero rallying allies while trying to defeat some big bad baddies and restoring peace to a broken world. Is that much to ask.

What are your sentiments on all of this?