Yeah... I would have hell a lot of fun kicking his ass : starting by doing a CHI NO KATA (attack to the neck), followed by a KERI (punch) below the sternum. Then let him recover from those two respiratory system damaging attacks... Then the Koppo Jutsu begin (bones breaking technique), I would walk toward him confidently and let him grab my cloth... and then perform the technique i'm specialize into : a Onikudaki (tradition : crushing the demon). So at this point of the fight, he got his - lets say - right arm completely crushed. I would profit the fact that he's crying from pain to grab his left hand and perform another breaking technique (I don't remember the name... shame on me Sensei) which would break and twist his wrist and if i'm lucky, his elbow and shoulder. Immediately after, I'd lift his broken arm to give the deadly blow : a very powerful punch in the underarm causing a big artery present there to pierce. Before leaving i'd use a Shako Ken (claw hand) on the temples to damage his optic nerve. And maybe profit that he's lying on the ground to break one leg or two (easy thing to do). Then bow to him while saying: «Domo arigato gozaimashita» (thak you very much for the training) and walk away.