>>31495059Characteristics of figures: Exterior shape (e), interior shape (i), orientation (d), and number of shapes shaded (n)
ZTMP: e = s, i = c, d = \, n = 1
WTNO: e = c, i = s, d = /, n = 1
Only commonality is n=1, only commonality in name is T in second slot, so n is second character of name, and 1 is T.
XSNP: e = c, i = c, d = -, n = 2
Second char is number of symbols, so 2 is S. XSNP and ZTMP share i=c, and share a final character, while WTNO has a different final character and different i value. Thus, we know character two is n (1=T, 2=S, and by extrapolation, 3=R and 0=U), and character four is i (c=P, s=O). XSNP and WTNO share N at character 3, and their only common characteristic is e=c. Thus, we have character 3 is e (c=N, s=M). This leaves the only characteristic differing between the three named figures - d. The first character is Z on \, W on /, and X on -.
To construct ?, then, we have d=-, e=s, i=s, n=3, so we have
The R could be any letter not used, but R makes the most sense.