>>31496947I'm not sure if this is actually who I think it is not, but whatever it doesn't matter. Discussing Serena and Ash is on topic for padt since it actually happened in the show. If you want to try to make a general to contain the Amour posting to some extent, fine, but you know how the Tailsposter is, and even then not all Amour discussion will be eliminated from /padt/. It's simply impossible, it's like banning all discussion of Guzma in /padt/ when his character finally shows up simply because of the Guzma General.
>>31496985It's not the entire thread anymore, even if at times it's annoying to many people. SM is slow right now and XYZ just ended with the kiss and that director's interview came out, and that's one of the reasons for the Amour posting. but it'll get better with time, with a rough patch in there for whenever Serena returns for a special or cameo. The Amour posting will fade over time as more and more XY people drop off thereafter.