Welcome to the /vp/ Monotype Tournament!
Here we hold a Monotype tournament where you compete to be a gym leader and represent your favourite type in Pokemon Sun and Moon!
The rule set is 3v3, best 2 out of 3 using flat rules. More specifics can be found here:
http://pastebin.com/8eAQufm5 (embed)
The final bracket has arrived! See it here:
http://challonge.com/monotypetournamentsumo Here is all the finalists and their details for you to contract them as necessary:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AZUqnfYpkgXC2hrplTWnKwMuw0Ac9ER9zhpTLXO04Qs/edit?usp=sharing Results submission form:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScqysLibg6QDcEsKEJgbkqQI8qaaM09KT3VN7Eg4OCF2-NJLQ/viewform?usp=send_form remember to have fun bbys
previous bread
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Fairy-type rules Other types drool
This is a rebellion, right? I rebel.
Are you here, Strey? We could battle right now.
I'm gonna win for all of those who lost to Fairy.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>31506085 You wish. You brought my monstrosities into this tourney, now they're gonna take you out.
>>31506071 Let's get this show on the road. My father says he hid blueprints to the planet killer the empire is building in the imperial archives.
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>>31506112 no fuck you
also strey/rogi whoever wins goes against me
Thomas 2080-0071-3530
Ryan 5344-0488-6288
Reposting battle vids from Ryan vs. Bomie match. Yet to hear back from Bomie after he messed up his game 3 mons. I misclicked in game 3 right when Bomie forfeited. I went for z-belly drum without hitting the z-button. I would've likely lost the match. Shitty luck, but I'll take it. Sorry Bomie, and for what it's worth GGs. Game 1: 7BVG-WWWW-WWW4-Q2ZP Game 2: 6M9W-WWWW-WWW4-Q2ZT Game 3: VNJG-WWWW-WWW4-Q2ZU
if nobody's battling right now multis where
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
Either way I'm fine with how that went down.Lost game 1 to a 50/50 I was trying to avoid,I stayed in thinking you would Energy Ball.That's fine.Game 2 was what I wanted game 1 to be.Game 3 I tried to swap leads last second and that mess happened but it's fine I still had a chance up until that last turn.I made a play and got it wrong.Yeah I could have went to Toxapex and the situation would have remained neutral but I was already playing from behind so I felt like I had to make a play.If you had belly drum there I won 100% if not,I would lose. I'll hold dat
Ryan 5344-0488-6288
>>31506268 You aren't dead yet brotha. Run through that losers bracket. I'll be rooting for you.
J Sal !Fhowd66fb.
>>31506329 You damn liar, you know you want him to lose.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
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>>31506375 Don't even act like I'm not winning this whole thing.
Ima get in that ass
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>31506501 ...I've been sitting here online waiting for your ass and you want to fucking mutli?....
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>>31506501 >>31506115 you are both in thread. Battle time
Seven 2165-7618-4508
>>31506201 >>31506268 >Bomie lost >I'm going against Water in losers bracket I-I need some prep time
>>31506548 You weren't around when I came back. Now that you are, let's just battle.
>>31506462 >>31506501 >>31506539 Already have all of you in my friendlist, neat.
We should wait for Rogi and Strey to finish first, though.
Thomas 2080-0071-3530
>>31506608 Who is this and what's your FC? I'll join in with my non mono team
Cerise 3969-4672-7931
>>31506701 hello friend
I'll probably bring a non-mono team too.
So is it you, me, Luna, and Shane?
Thomas 2080-0071-3530
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>>31506782 Yeah Ill be on in 2 or 3 minutes. Just need to finish hyper training one of my mons
Luna 0001-3617-8659
>>31506782 Ready when you are. Just went and made some dumb shit too.
Thomas 2080-0071-3530
>>31506824 I see Thomas and Shane now, so I'm just waiting for you.
Do we do full team rotations (everyone gets to team up with/fight against everyone)?
Thomas 2080-0071-3530
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>>31506905 Sounds good to me
Shane 4699-6929-9264
Luna 0001-3617-8659
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>>31506879 >>31506905 Sorry about that, online now.
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
>>31506568 Well I can play whenever.Not even going to watch your
replays.It 's probably best to catch me on tilt.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
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>cerise has clefable, togekiss, and snorelax I was thinking of bringing the meme team myself but decided to try out some new guys.
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>eye laser snorlax
Luna 0001-3617-8659
>sheer cold followed by oblivion wing God I love metrenome.
Patty 0705-2833-8508
Has anyone heard from Kranic? I'm kind of worried.
>>31507110 >spatial rend >whimsicott and shiinotic are immune why doesn't the game want me to have fun
Luna 0001-3617-8659
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>>31507128 you've had some weird luck with all those exclusive moves and weird OHKO moves.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
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>Snorlax keeps memetroming >My mons died like troops on D-day
Luna 0001-3617-8659
>couldn't do dual pyukumukus Damn, would've loved to.
Seven 2165-7618-4508
>>31507042 Nah, feel free to, I'll do the same, gotta prepare against my worst matchup.
I'll fight tomorrow, is a bit late here and it was kind of a bad day.
Thomas 2080-0071-3530
>>31507173 I laugh whenever someone says Toxapex was the best toxistall Mon to come out this generation.
>>31507206 >pokemon used taunt! >Pyukumuku has no moves! Pyukumuku used struggle! kkkkkkkkkkkkk
>he's literally letting the turn timer run down instead of picking a fucking move Sick strats
Luna 0001-3617-8659
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>>31507206 As much as I love toxapex, and I fucking love toxapex, pyukumuku is such a fucking hilarious pokemon.
Thomas 2080-0071-3530
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>>31507222 If you're really that concerned you could run it with counter. It's smarter though to just make sure you can swap it out if necessary.
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
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>>31507042 According to this
>>31506138 there's nothing to watch anyway.
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>>31507223 It's gonna be a sick game to watch tho
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Hey cerise let me know when we team up, would love to do double metronome team.
Thomas 2080-0071-3530
Luna does your Pyukumuku only know one move? GG guys. That metronome team was hilarious.
Thomas 2080-0071-3530
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>putting me through this time stalling now when i'm probably gonna lose game 3 to his swagpara' flinching wumbo combo next game anyways. It's just one fucking loss to the two wins you're about to get. Fucking forfeit already so I can lose game 3 to your cancer.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
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>>31507264 No, was just stalling with toxic. Has recover, aton pass, and z memento for maximum memeing.
>>31507268 >>31507279 Oh boy.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Shane 4699-6929-9264
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>>31507334 >>31507325 >tfw didnt get to blare IKU Z Anonymous
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>finally get boosts >die before metronome
Thomas 2080-0071-3530
How the fuck does grassy terreign ignoring even work? Does it just randomly assign whose how it wants to restore? I've never looked into this.
>>31507384 Togekiss flies, so it doesn't touch the ground and doesn't get free healing.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
>>31507384 Restores HP of grounded pokemon.
Thomas 2080-0071-3530
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>>31507388 >>31507389 Oh, I'm tired and retarded. The first turn for some reason I only noticed it restore my gengar's hp.
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GG. I lose 1-2 I'll let the rogi handle the vids.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
If that drain ounch lets you survive another trop kick it'll be amazing.
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>>31507419 >it did >get a moonblast as thanks >wow isn't fast enough to save me Regigiganon
>Tfw i was always interested in this >Probably too late to participate Fug
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>31507429 Maybe if you spent less time in the drawthreads you would have remembered. That or do what I do and have two tabs open to monitor both.
>>31507439 Probably right, I do spend a lot of time there, because honestly, its a nice thread to relax in.
Either way i was nowhere NEAR prepared when it comes to pokemon when this all first started. At that point I was still trading over on the Wifi thread
Luna 0001-3617-8659
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>>31507460 Just inject
lol Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>31507460 People here could have helped, but yeah I like to do comfy stuff for the thread when Im slacking off.
>>31507485 Really? Ah fuck now I really regret it now. At least I have a few mon ready for whenever the next ones start at least. Hard to pick as most of my favorite pokemon are spread over the different types. Might end up with Normal
Luna 0001-3617-8659
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Not going to lie, only reason I did that was I never saw the dragon z animation. Kinda lame.
Thomas 2080-0071-3530
Damn , sorry Cerise. Got too cocky with my Pyuku and forgot about his z-move.
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>>31506598 You didn't go to sleep, right?
>>31507557 If anything, I should be the one apologizing to everyone else for not being a good teammate and just spamming memetronome.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
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>blissey has three calm minds up Fug.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
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>>31507573 No, that means you're the best team mate.
Thomas 2080-0071-3530
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>>31507573 Lol you're fine. These are the most enjoyable matches I've had in a while.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
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Fuck I'm an idiot, I thought the spore just missed last time.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
Luna 0001-3617-8659
>>31507640 Destined to job.
Thomas 2080-0071-3530
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>>31507640 Fuck frogs dude. They're pests.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
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>>31507648 Ill be back one multi-battle with him at level 50 then we'll see who gets to IKU Z
Thomas 2080-0071-3530
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Well, I'll see how this stalling match goes I guess.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
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This match alone has made me love shiitonic. such a stupid pokemon.
>anything metronome does is healed back by leeching from blissey's fuckhuge hp
Luna 0001-3617-8659
>>31507689 >spore is now usable again Thomas 2080-0071-3530
>not just doing one more air slash
>>31507701 >want to end match >paraflinch feels dirty what do
Luna 0001-3617-8659
>>31507715 You either meme your way to glory or die trying.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
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>>31507722 Wake me up in 5 hours
Thomas 2080-0071-3530
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>>31507727 My memes aren't dank enough for this shit.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>31507755 >>31507762 >tfw wanted to maximum meme i'm sorry thomas
but good matches, everyone
Thomas 2080-0071-3530
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Well, that was entertaining at the least. I've got to head off to bed. Thanks for the games, gents.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
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Holy shit, probably the best multi I ever played, thanks guys. Going to bed, good luck to everyone left. Can't wait until we can play again post bank.
Thomas 2080-0071-3530
>>31507780 You're fine. I was right there with you praying for your meme magic to come through. Seems today wasn't the say.
Thomas 2080-0071-3530
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>>31507123 I think JoJo knows him personally.
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>>31507512 It'll be post bank too, so keep that in mind.
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
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>>31507192 Looking forward to it.
So I'm kind of really drunk right now so I'm not thinking straight but my friend is swearing by this set. So help me out here, seems like a shit set but all I can think of it'd take too long for it to set up and isn't worth just slapping a scarf or specs on it. Tapu Lele Timid Nature 252 Spa, Spd 4 Def Normalium-Z Psychic/Psyshock Moonblast/HP Fire Calm Mind Safeguard You bring it in bluffing scarfed or something and then they try to bring in something that would want to status you. Z-Safeguard gives one speed so you'd use that as they click toxic/t-wave/whatever and then you click calm mind and then you sweep. It's a ghetto quiver dance, which I understand, but it seems like it'd take way too long for it to set up to get any work done. Am I right here?
Shuffle 2294-4826-6581
>If fairy doesn't beat steel I have to fight fairy two times in a row, of which I prob have 0 chance of winning because lolnooptions >high potential for cursed seeds Life is suffering
>>31508235 What fairy mons are super threatening?
Shane 4699-6929-9264
Shuffle 2294-4826-6581
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>>31508294 alolan ninetales is a special threat but generally fairy just has better mons and options to mess around wtih pre-bank.
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>>31508155 I feel like you're in the wrong place for tapu lele sets
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Pyritie, when are you available? I'm mostly lurking or checking mail 9 hours a day (12AM-8PM) with some flexibility if you tell me yours.
Mayriux 4640 0242 6084
>inb4 bank comes in but megas stay in ORAS Would you agree /mono/? How bad would it divide the community?
>>31510286 I'm pretty indifferent about the missing mega stones.
I don't like the megas themselves, though.
I won't last more than 5 seconds in a tournament that has them.
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>>31510315 >>31510286 Chances are they will stay banned for post bank then.
I personally am happy with that. Would rather megas have never been implemented
>>31510315 Are you saying that you wouldn't use a mega out of principle or that your type just doesn't have one?
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>>31510680 I like the idea of megas, we all know that lots of things need buffs.
I just think the distribution was pretty bad.
All I have is M-Glalie (and M-Abomasnow if Bank will carry items, but I doubt it), which isn't very good compared to the others imo.
>>31510315 Every tourney has had megas, they were only banned this time because only certain types have them, making it unfair for types such as fire or fairy who don't have megas as of right now.
Bar salamence, if all the stones get released, they will be unbanned for next tourney
>>31510729 I know, I was in one of the tournaments back in XY.
I'm just not sure if the rules will change if half the mega stones are permanently locked behind Bank.
>>31510750 Not all megastones available = ban all megas
All megastones available = unban all megas bar salamence and legends of course.
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>>31510872 Kranic is holding back the winners bracket.
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With post bank mon on gts the age of post bank mono has at last begun.
>>31510779 Megas in a format like this seems very unhealthy.I see what Cloyster has been doing during this tourney and I can't help but think it's going to be worse with megas.Click 1 move and win.
>>31512026 You clearly haven't been in the previous tourneys then.
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>>31512276 I'm sure they were all balanced with every player on equal terms.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
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Hey Ryan, Im ready to go whenever you are. May the best fairy wiin.
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
Seven,I'll be available later today around 2 hours from now.If that's not good for you email me with a time slot and I'll accommodate.
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Always lurking in case Rogi appears. Let's Multi meanwhile or something.
Wow, we and Pyritie had some great games. He could pull it off even with the type disadvantage, really great games. Victreeman out of the tourney, it was fun lads, see ya on the next one!
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>31514332 >both us grass trainers were the first ones to be eliminated permanently from the finals l m a o
also u dont need to leave forever bby, remeber, gym challenge cumming soon so u can be champ :D
Pyritie 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
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>>31514332 HXVG-WWWW-WWW4-QG4M
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Anyone willing to play a post bank team in a bit? Now that everything is legal I would love to test out some of my teams. Until actual bank comes for us I just injected them for the mean time.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>31514436 >Now that everything is legal NANI
IS BANK OUT????????
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>31514436 >Post bank team Quit lying. Bank isn't out yet, silly Luna.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
>>31514446 >>31514448 Wasn't it released in china? I heard gts was flooded with things like kanto starters and others. I assumed that everything is legal now, we just can't use them.
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
>>31514436 If you can make me a Jynx I would love you
forever.It 's the corner stone for a Ice team I'm working on but my Jynx is stuck in my bank.
Pyritie 2895-6998-6566 !hoPPiPzMj6
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>>31514489 No, GTS just has a lot of things with egg moves. Even battle spot stats show things like 15% of chansey with seismic toss, which is illegal until after bank.
Bank isn't out in china -- nintendo's chinese marketers just explained stuff about how the upcoming bank changes will work
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>31514546 i cant make u a jynx
but will u love me forever?
Luna 0001-3617-8659
>>31514546 Not home but will be in like 10-15 min. Set? I won't do requests for every single anon here but your cool bomie.
Maybe I'm wrong but I could have swore I read that people tested illegal pokemon and said they work online.
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
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>>31514575 Of course.Any Jynx is fine.Having it will motivate me to make the rest of the team.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>31514591 If that's true I'll get started on making my fighting and waifumon team for use in multis.
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
>>31514591 I haven't tried it recently but when we did multis last time it wouldn't let me bring a HA Emboar.Maybe with the changes to the GTS they'll allow stuff that wasn't before?
Luna 0001-3617-8659
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>>31514617 Almost home, will test in a few.
Maybe I'm wrong but I could've swore people said they did.
>>31514639 I remember that. As I said I will test it in a few. I remember reading that they work now. Hopefully I don't look like an idiot for this.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Well, guess I'm a fucking idiot. Sorry guys. I thought bank was out in china meaning technically every is allowed online.
>>31514805 You lied to us, how could you?
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>31514805 no bby
no worries
have u started planning ur teams to take on the challenge
persoanlly, i will use alder's team as my first run
>>31514846 I could have sworn I read it was tested and worked, guess I was wrong. I real excited too.
I really just want to use my favorite pokemon again. >>31514869 I grew really attached to my moon team during my run, more then any other in game team I've had, will use them. Only thing that sucks is I used xurkitree post game so I'll have to replace that.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>31514928 >Shuckle is your favorite I loved him in Gen 2 as a kid, but he "sucked" to younger me.
To try and fix him I bough 99 attack Xs and used them on him in battle thinking the attack boosts were permanent Anonymous
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>>31514985 Always adored turtles and tortoises, thought shuckle was one and loved it. Being older now I appreciate more how shuckle is kind of a bunch of different concepts, I like pokemon like that.
Its tied with pic related as my #1.
Sorry for the blog.
Leo [FC:1049-3095-8624] IGN:Hassan
Sorry for being a tad late Cards. I've already added you
Shane 4699-6929-9264
Someone put this dying thread out of its misery.
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>>31515671 Added you, sorry to keep you waiting!
Seven 2165-7618-4508
>>31514065 I am here. I didn't prep but let's just do this. Reply when you're ready.
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>>31510286 It would be disappointing to divide them up
Ey, even though I aint participating with the actual battles, I can still help get ya guys some Pokemon if you need any more. Currently stocking up on gen 1 stuff for the Bank Shenanigans
Great games Hassan! All those 5050s were insane. Good luck in losers bracket.
>>31516863 >Good luck in losers bracket. daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>31516861 hiiiiiiiiiiiii bby
you can still participate in the gym challenge that takes palce after tourney and become champ :DDD
Leo [FC:1049-3095-8624] IGN:Hassan
>>31516863 I was one the edge of my seat during the last one. I still can't believe I was able to make it to game 3 after I got bodied by that Spec Vikavolt w/Quiver Dance in Game 1
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
>>31516358 I'm free now.I'll be chilling in the plaza.
>>31516863 >Good luck in losers bracket. Savage
>>31516897 I wasn't trying to be rude dude, I was wishing him luck.
>>31516912 The knock off call on Machamp really did me in g2. I think I just had good matchup on you, especially since I still won despite getting outled in game 3
>>31516863 >good luck in losers THE ABSOLUTE MADMAN
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>>31516907 Huh, well guess I lucked out then, lets hope thats after the bank update and i have a team worth a heck.
>>31516907 Are gym challenges also 3v3?
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
J Sal !Fhowd66fb.
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>>31516863 What a fucking asshole.
Seven 2165-7618-4508
Leo [FC:1049-3095-8624] IGN:Hassan
>>31516957 It was 50/50 tbqh. Bewear walled pretty much half your team while Emboar can take care of the rest.
Seven 2165-7618-4508
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>>31516919 Can't see you. Send an invite.
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>>31516937 >>31516960 What the fuck is this bullshit meme?
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
Forgot how slow Gigalith was.Was trying to scout damage.
Seven 2165-7618-4508
>>31517301 I completely forgot Toxapex has Haze.
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
>>31517424 That felt dirty.I don't like games like that were one person doesn't even get to play.After my loss last round though I can't take it easy anymore.Took too long choosing my lead so I effectively went into the game 3 with only 2 Pokemon and then I forfeited on the turn my opponent mislclicked and I could have won.
Good effort though especially in game 2 knowing you could win off a Rock Polish.But I took your advice and did my
homework.GG Anonymous
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>>31517567 If I hadn't forgotten Toxapex could learn Haze, the match could have ended differently.
I will admit I am a bit upset. I had no chance at all to win this tournament, first against Fighting, then against Water. But I held my ground and did my best. Now let's see how this tournament ends.
Good match and good luck.
Ryan 5344-0488-6288
>>31516132 Ay, you around to battle? Not totally sure what to do against your team but let's see. Ready when you are
Danny 5129-5028-9500
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>>31517116 >Going up against Korago next Oh boi. I hope youre prepared for a moxie mence with flynium Z. Heres how my fight went against him.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
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>>31517872 You bet. Hopping on now.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
anybody up for a fight against my weed team i really wanted more battles with it pls say yes
Interested in asking since its been on my mind. To anyone in or was participated did you use pp max on your pokemon? Just interested in how many people considered it.
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
>>31517942 I'll play you with ghost or water.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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>>31518036 ur tourney team bby
a mock tourney battle
so use water
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>>31518027 Matches are usually short in 3v3 so unless you have a lot of 5PP moves
or try full stall , is not necessary.
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
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>>31518027 I'm sure everyone that could did max out their
moves.My team borders on semi-stall so I had to.
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>>31518027 So many injectors around here, so they definitely would have
Shane 4699-6929-9264
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>Critical hit AND frozen
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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will jim challenge be banku?
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Omar 3153-3754-3536
>>31518577 Multis to celebrate?
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>31518614 when i have my dedenne and plusle and minun we will mutli bby
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
Luna 0001-3617-8659
My beatiful, beautiful mold insect rock turtle thing is back.
>tfw not home for a half hour daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
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wew bby ggs lmao now brb gonna download dank i-i mean bank
>>31518726 bank update isn't on the eshop yet
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
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I wish I had fun sets in bank but all my X Y stuff is super try hard.I'll make some gimmick sets for multi tonight in prep for later games.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
>>31518801 So then what's happening?
Please, I need my beatiful children back.
Ryan 5344-0488-6288
Dang, I'm somewhat salty about that para in game 2 that cost me the match, but I had well timed crits game 1 too. GG Shane wins 2-1. You can do the form
Shane 4699-6929-9264
Good games Ryan. That last game was too damn stressful for comfort. On that note, Hamwall, Raymoo, you're next.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>31518863 its on
check serebii
>>31518863 No idea. There is a poke transporter update though.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
>>31518894 >>31518897 Fug.
If we get it tonight I would love to do multis. Will make a no guard machamp.
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
>>31518865 But I was supposed to beat you in the finals...
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>>31518928 I guess the app might not need an update?
Pretty confused desu
Ryan 5344-0488-6288
>>31518931 Sorry m8, the other fairy fags in the bracket are using top level memes like keys and togekiss, couldn't hack the hax. My team was more fun shit anyways rather than meme trash
Can Patty and Kranic be DQ'd? They're holding up the bracket. Want to hurry and get to that gym challenge.
Quoted By:
>>31519008 can you headbutt a nail?
>>31518868 >Hamwall >threat Choose one.
Ryan 5344-0488-6288
Quoted By:
>>31519008 Patty has been active in thread.
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
Quoted By:
>>31518950 It's ok he'll lose and eventually be in my way.That's where I'll beat him for you.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
Quoted By:
>>31519026 Never said he was :^)
Quoted By:
>>31518950 >Togekiss >Meme trash after the paraflinch nerf Luna 0001-3617-8659
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
>>31519126 Sure is buddy,downloading the updates now.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Quoted By:
>>31519147 Finally.
It'll be hell downloading it, but worth it.
Patty 0705-2833-8508
>>31519008 Whoa hold on now, I've been here the whole time. I've e-mailed Kranic yesterday and he still hasn't responded. So how long should we wait for him?
>>31519289 Imo you should just get the win since you've been more active.
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
Quoted By:
>>31519306 Yes please that way I can have my battle against Mige.
Omar 3153-3754-3536
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Mike 2122-6778-7179
Quoted By:
Mike Vs Stray, Mike wins 2-0. ZDMW-WWWW-WWW4-QKE2 HF9W-WWWW-WWW4-QKE7 I'm sorry Stray. But it was you or me.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
>>31519438 >>31519458 Need a few but would love to, need a few though.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
Quoted By:
>>31519479 I'll participate, but Im gonna inject some mons first for max fun.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Just curious, anything on the absent mega stones?
>>31519638 I believe items can be transferred so i think megas will be allowed
>>31519638 You can bring items through bank now.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Quoted By:
>>31519659 Items do not transfer, can confirm that. Cheched battle tree and nothing. Maybe at a later date, national dex isn't here either.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
>>31519665 And I look like an idiot. My pokemon didn't transfer with items so I assumed you couldn't.
Quoted By:
>>31519699 I'm just going on what i've been told. I very well could have been misinformed. I'm yet to transfer shit over yet, need to breed some things first.
with bank out, does anyone have a HA Totodile? was the last thing i needed for my water team.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
>>31519747 Could make you one in a bit.
>>31519762 that would be so amazing. female would let me keep my Friend Ball, but either way id be really grateful
Luna 0001-3617-8659
>>31519787 If we don't start multi in five min I'll do it. Sorry but I would hate to miss multis Any egg moves? This is important in making it legal as egg moves have a separate section.
Patty 0705-2833-8508
Quoted By:
Callum what's your judgement on Kranic?
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>31519827 Quick question, what do I set the location met to for bank. Can I just set it to the ranch as an egg?
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Quoted By:
>>31519875 Yeah mine have the "traveled through space and time" thing. I imagine though that "hatched from an egg" should be fine as you technically could be traded the pokemon and breed it.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
https://twitter.com/SmogonU/status/824084404251295747 rip megas lmao
like we say in our country "o todos en la cama o todos en el piso"
so, no megas allowed at all
>>31519827 Ice Fang would be brilliant, but no worries if youre busy, im not rushing
Luna 0001-3617-8659
>>31519919 How long until multi? Should I do the totodile?
My guess is it will come with nat dex. Having only some megas return is too stupid to me.
>>31519923 Okay,thanks. Would hate to make it and then have it tell me it's illeagal.
Quoted By:
Looks like megas are gonna be banned still.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
Quoted By:
>>31519960 Im making mons right now, so make that totodile unless you guys want to start without me.
>>31519919 Does this mean no items at all?
Or just megastones can't get through?
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Quoted By:
>>31520044 No items passed for me. PKSM allows it but I think the pokmon are illegal if used. It's really shitty.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Anyone else like something real quick? Please just one thing though?
So the gym challenge coming up will still only have pre-bank pokemon legal right?
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Quoted By:
>>31520138 >>31520155 Leaders will have access to post bank mons too so prob not
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>31520086 If you can make a typholsion that'd be neat. Still getting the error of "no legal transfer method before bank" with mine.
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
>>31520155 Gym leaders are forced to use the pre bank teams they entered with then?
Luna 0001-3617-8659
>>31520213 Set?
>>31519923 Made a male adamant one with ice fang and friend ball, anything else? perfect IVs of course.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>31520239 Timid, 252 Spa/Spe, Eruption/Fire Blast/Focus Blast/HP Grass holding fire-z
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Quoted By:
>>31520276 >>31520246 Ready, how should we do this?
Shane 4699-6929-9264
Quoted By:
Someone just needs to be the host.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>31520523 Meme Trash # 1 reporting in
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
>>31520523 You guys are playing?If you need 1 more I can join.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Seven 2165-7618-4508
Quoted By:
>>31520561 I guess I could join.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Quoted By:
everyone go online
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Only have ricky. Are you here bomie and shane?
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
Quoted By:
Coming,only have 1 of each item so had to move stuff.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
>>31520712 Right as I post that I update to find bomie and shane and ricky dissapears.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
Quoted By:
>>31520712 Im online and seeing you. Ill try connecting again.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Quoted By:
Have bomie and seven, waiting on you shane.
Seven 2165-7618-4508
>>31520732 You still have space for one more or is the party full?
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Quoted By:
>>31520789 You're in my dude. I saw someone named ricky and added them but ypu're the actual fourth.
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
>>31520732 Who's ricky?
I thought it was Seven,Shane and the two of us.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Quoted By:
>update >shane appears >bomie leaves
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Quoted By:
>>31520829 Someone in my friend list, said they were online and i just assumed to add them. My mistake.
IGN: Hamwall 0834-1708-5329
Sorry to the dude matched up with me if you've been looking for me. I've been a bit busy as of late. I should be free tomorrow or the next day.
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
Uhh... Anyone else getting this?
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Quoted By:
Shane 4699-6929-9264
Quoted By:
>>31520917 Check to make sure they arent sharing an item, all mons are legal, or none are special.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
>>31520917 Okay, didn't know you were being held up. It might be that you have a hacked mon with a illegal egg move. Even if the pokemon doesn't have the actual move in it's move list if it is in it's egg moves it becomes illegal. i remember that fucked me up when I first started injecting.
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
What's wrong with my team?I'm not using the same items or anything.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Quoted By:
>>31520979 Know if anything is injected?
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
>>31520970 I don't even inject though :[
I just transferred these guys
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Quoted By:
>>31521006 Weird, are you sure these were legal in gen 6?
Seven 2165-7618-4508
>>31521006 What if battles are still not updated and we can't use post bank mons?
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Quoted By:
>>31521036 I went on battle spot to test stuff and it worked for me.
Quoted By:
>>31521036 Lmao.
Actually plausible with nintendo
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
I just checked serebii and all my egg moves are legal.I don't know what's going on.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Quoted By:
>>31521071 It might be one specific pokemon rather then that team, maybe test going into battle spot without one and see if it allows you to access it.
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
Quoted By:
Sorry I guess one of the mons that I transferred over wasn't
legit.It doesn't even tell me which one so that sucks.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
We still doing this or...
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Quoted By:
>>31521221 Guess not, want to do a single? My bug and poison teams are ready if you want to play either.
Seven 2165-7618-4508
Shane 4699-6929-9264
Quoted By:
If we can lets get a new fourth. I want multis.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
>>31521258 Bomie had problems. I would like to do singles or we can wait for a new fourth.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>31521294 Dan is online. Maybe he can join?
Luna 0001-3617-8659
>>31521368 We can try, though he might be doing something or just not want to. Wish he was here to ask.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>31521368 wew u found me
im just depositing celesteelas on gts to have plusle minun pachi and dedenne go to alola since bank doesnt work cuz i have to pay and its late and i rly want my pika bbys on alola
if u wait like 20 minutes i can join
Shane 4699-6929-9264
Quoted By:
>>31521396 We can singles in meantime.
>>31521398 Was just about to summon you with dedenne pics
Luna 0001-3617-8659
>>31521398 I can make you your bbys. No man should be without his bbys.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Quoted By:
>no sand stream What?
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
Quoted By:
>>31521419 no worries bby im almost done breeding them
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
So apparently I'm going to have to breed a shit ton of Pokemon I transferred over because whoever made them fucked up and aren't legal for some reason.I thought I was done with the autism box after 300 hours but here we go again.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Quoted By:
>dedenne named daniel Fuck is that cute.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
Will there be another post-bank tournament, or are we going straight to the Gym Leader challenge?
Quoted By:
>>31521487 A Y Y L M A O
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Quoted By:
>>31521487 Have to ask,no pkhex/pksm.
>>31521496 Don't know what I was thinking. My toxicroak has drain ounch and I assumed it could take a hit. with draglage I should have just went draco meteor.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>31521499 uuuuuh gym leader of course
why would we skip it especially since people are fighting so hard to get the spots lmao
Luna 0001-3617-8659
>>31520910 Perfect, I'll probably be ready
to lose tomorrow at around the time you posted.
>>31521618 >want to join multis >all i have are memetronomes and my regular ice team >2 and a half boxes of pokemon stuck in my y cart >can't get it until the weekend Luna 0001-3617-8659
Quoted By:
Use your fairy team shane, c'mon. (^:
IGN: Hamwall 0834-1708-5329
>>31521632 >to lose You stop that. The only reason I got this far is because of luck.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>31521668 >Only won because of luck Shame. Ill have to send you to losers soon then :^)
Luna 0001-3617-8659
>>31521659 Memetrenoe is fully welcomed, even advised.
IGN: Hamwall 0834-1708-5329
>>31521682 >If we both win we'll be matched in semis IT
>>31521532 If I ever become a Gym Leader, am I allowed to change my team
(i.e. insert memes) for different challengers?
Quoted By:
>>31521756 Yes, but you don't know what they're bringing. They aren't a mono and you have to keep the same team for that best of 3.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
Multis now?
>>31521702 You know too much
>>31521720 How does it feel knowing my keys are going to beat up your keys. And my seal is going to beat up your seal?
Luna 0001-3617-8659
Quoted By:
Ca we finally do multis? Though I would love to play a mono team. My autism made me plan two entire teams despite losing.
IGN: Hamwall 0834-1708-5329
>>31521782 >He thinks I have a seal You overestimate how fast I can breed and level mons. I only havee 2 new sets desu
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>>31521688 >remember that bank is out >i can now have a metronome snorlax with selfdestruct Luna 0001-3617-8659
>have teams all ready to play >no one wants to play Thought this palce would be packed once bank came. Dying to test my mono teams against other mono teams and no one is here.
Shane 4699-6929-9264
>>31521829 Regardless, you're still going to have to go up against my ace.
IGN: Hamwall 0834-1708-5329
Quoted By:
>>31521935 My ace is locked on bank... Lil' Hamwall will be back soon... SOON
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 !pikaWbWnAw
>>31521922 bby believe me, im trying
but its already 12 am
work tomorrow and stuff
tomorrow i will, i promise
Shane 4699-6929-9264
Quoted By:
If we're not doing multis, I'll check you guys later.
Luna 0001-3617-8659
>>31522059 Going off to bed soon myself. Might not be here tomorrow since I'm busy, hopefully we will get some games in.
Night daniel.
Bomie (Agua Edition) 0233 2621 4690
Quoted By:
>>31522085 I'll have my team ready tomorrow.I found out my Dunsparse was the problem and I'll breed everything with that mons OT to make sure I don't mess up anymore games for you guys.