Trading, Breeding, Battling, Autism, and Shitposting
Circlejerking, Mystery Eggs, and General Questions
Pokémon WiFi General - /wfg/ - Old Thread:
>>31559388 A guide for beginners and mentally incapacitated folks alike: >Hey OP! I've been looking for a place to give out or collect breeding leftovers. People are encouraged to dump their free leftovers here. Don't hesitate to ask for anything being given out for free.
>Hey OP! I like hacks and clones! I also want to add you for for Friend Safari ;)) There are other threads for those things.
>Hey OP! I like posting text lists! Text lists are shit. Copy and paste that into an image or a pastebin if you have to.
>Hey OP! I like shitposting and circlejerking, but I don't want to clog the thread with my nonsense. What do? Fuck you
Common Answers to Common Questions
> Talonflame has access to Flame Body and Fly, use it. > Move Tutor/Deleter are in the same house in Dendemille. > Name Rater is in the town near the Breeding Centre > The Daycare is on the route after the Snorlax encounter. > Skrelp/Clauncher (I'm assuming they're caught in the same place since they're exclusives) can be caught with a Good Rod off the Coast of Cyllage City. > The Good Rod is in Coumarine City. > Sail Fossil is Amamura, Jaw Fossil is Tyrunt. > Ditto is in the PokéPark area at the end of the twisting woods. It's just before the 8th gym. > Don't ask for Mega Stones for derps, you're not going to get them. > Happiness checker is in Laverre City in the Pokemon Fan Club. > If you're going to trip/namefag then make sure your in-game name is the same as your trip/name, it gets very confusing. > Masuda method is ONLY based off of languages. Actual area does not matter. > IV Guy is in Kiloude City pokecenter. RAW Paste Data
This is a repost for Sadie but If anyone has any of the below pokemon they are willing to trade so I can make my Sun play through perfect, I'd be mighty appreciative. I see least 5 things you have I would fucking love for my Sun team I just started. Any chance we can do several rapid trades after we connect? This would be the greatest thing anyone has done for me in these threads if we can make it happen. I was looking at: Impish Immunity Gligar, Adamant Dry Skin Croagunk, Timid Treecko, Magic Guard Solosis and if you have ANY Noibat or Yamask whatsoever. I have breeding left overs like Cubone, Elekid, Mareanie and Rowlett to trade for any of the above.
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309
Looking for Magic Guard Sigilyph offering Balltism, I have more, but my biggest examples are- Heavy/Level Slakoth Heavy/Fast Skarmory Heavy klink BB Gible and others I cant remember right now
Shiny 1736-3213-9067
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Anyone with Moon willing to trade please let me know
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309
>>31565186 one Snubbull and Roselia on the rocks.
Everyone know Snubb and Granbull are best puppers
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>31565209 What's the rotom's IVs? I'm interested
>>31565186 I'd love the Elekid with Fire and Ice Punch.
I have one I was planning to level but it has no egg moves so one with egg moves is better in the end.
I can't breed Elekid right away correct? I'd want to breed my own with the egg moves so as to have my name attached as OT because i'm OCD as fuck.
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>>31565186 >>31565276 And of course the Snubbull. Forgot to make that clear.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>31565276 You have to level it up and evolve it before you can breed it. If you want the Elekid, give me your FC and add me.
>>31565220 I'm waiting for you to add me.
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309
>>31565209 Im juggling so many thing right now I cant trade, but Im gonna tell ya right now, I got a few offers for ya, like for those combees
>>31565246 Work on others right now, Im on a Rodeo for Tauros
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>31565291 Alright. We might have to trade a bit later then. I may sleep soon.
Rex 3883 8033 5445
>>31565288 Ah right. My info is above now. Didn't realize I was never posting with it. Adding you now.
pls gib i only need one more
Anyone have an oblivious spheal to trade?
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309
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>>31565308 Dont worry, Ill be here tomorrow if all else fails
Rex 3883 8033 5445
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>>31565288 Added you. I'm just chilling out in link trade looking for your name. Thanks!
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>31565321 Sounds good. I'll add you and hop online.
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>31565351 I'm guessing you don't want an egg from X.
>>31565392 do you want all female? Nbd, it will just take a lil longer
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Anyone else gets stuck on game sync is in progress... when going online?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>31565445 It doesn't matter. Thank you so much.
>>31565395 nah just looking for s/m eggs
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
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>>31565473 I love that that is the abbreviation.
Rex 3883 8033 5445
>>31565392 Thanks a ton! Once I hit level 30 and this thing evolves I will certainly be using the offspring competitively. Thanks!
>>31565260 I can offer this shit:
Timid Larvesta with Morning Sun
Jolly Riolu with Bullet Punch and Crunch
Jolly Mimikyu
Adamant Grimer with Curse, Pursuit, and Shadow Sneak in beast ball
All 5 IV
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>31565104 anyone have water veil buizel
>>31565524 Is everything but grimer in a pokeball?
>>31565573 Mimikyu is in dusk ball, Riolu is in great ball
>>31565584 beast grimer is fine then. will you be around tomorrow? I was just about to go to bed
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>>31565618 Yeah I'll be around by 11 AM CST, fc is name
>>31565608 Are you offering or begging?
>>31565692 >begging for an HA bankmon Anonymous
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Question, I recently restarded my Pokemon Sun save. After I got a new batte sync ID and went on the site to register it said I already had a battle sync active (my old save) I've already requested they delete the old save ID during the next maintenance but that's not till Monday. Anything I can do in the meantime to get my game synced or am I shit out of luck till Mondays maintence?
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309
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While im working on a plethora of mons being bred and caught (again, thank yo uso much Mela) Just a question for Wifi general tonight What do you think of marshadow? Are you excited for it? When do you think itll come out?
>>31565751 How about I offer something?
I got a penta perfect IV bulbasaur,totadile,torchic and turtwig
Rex 3883 8033 5445
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I'm looking, fairly desperately, for a Gligar and a Noibat to finish out my 'Dream Team' to go through Sun with. I'd prefer Immunity and Impish on Gligar and Infiltrator and Timid on Noibat but I will glady and gratefully take any sort of either species. I can trade Adamant Cubones and Rowletts, a Jolly Elekid and I have two Beast Ball Bold Limber Mareanie's with Haze left.
>>31565811 Not the same anon as the one you quoting but does the totodile have HA?
Serahl 0576-5105-1219
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>31565902 I'll trade you for a Moon Ball Sableye if that's okay.
Serahl 0576-5105-1219
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>>31565949 Aight,lemme breed it real quick.
>>31565949 turns out my doduo and venonat dont have HA :( just knock whatever you feel like off the list.
also this
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>31565984 Alright, will do. That's okay.
Hahaha oh wow. I really should not make spreadsheets when I'm tired. Or do anything when I'm tired. I fuck it up.
Fian 4012-4215-0458
>that XY wfg OP Shura if you're around I'm done breeding the stuff in ORAS, I'll be occasionally lurking for several hours while playing other stuff.
Serahl 0576-5105-1219
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>>31565949 The Sableye is ready, I'll shoot a tr.
Shura 2750 1424 2684
>>31566120 I am around and ready to trade. Let me just make sure I've added you and I'll hop online.
Sadie 0963 0745 9447
>>31565164 >>31565165 sorry I replied in the old thread but I'm currently finishing up some programming work, would you be willing to wait around a little longer? I'll be glad to accommodate you
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309
Going to bed. Hopefully by tommorrow morning Ill be able to get a good Combee to start breeding with and a good Sigilyph. good night you comfy wifi bastards
Fian 4012-4215-0458
>>31566217 Ok, adding you. I have 21 Dream Ball mons and the Safari Trapinch. A few I had were not HA however - Spiritomb/Skorupi/Swinub, hope that's fine.
I'll be online in AS, send a trade request when ready.
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309
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>>31566231 Oh of course caught me right as i was getting ready to go to bed. If you can, write down what i offered last thread, my memory is terrible. take your time, im sure youll do great!
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>31566306 Weren't we going to trade? I've been waiting for you.
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
Rex 3883 8033 5445
>>31566231 Heck yes I'll wait. If we can make a few trades I'll be around much longer!
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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I got my eye on you, /wfg/.
Rex 3883 8033 5445
>>31566231 >>31566416 I'm the guy who asked about Gligar, Croagunk, Noibat, and Solosis. I didn't see noibat on the list but made an assumption since it seems like you have a pretty good living dex that you may have at least a throwaway lying around.
Let me know when you are about around and if we can make a deal! I'm stoked.
Rafael 1977-0172-8981
LF a Type:Null doesn't have to be anything special.
Shiny 1736-3213-9067
Ok I finally got my Lunala, but..>299/299 >99% WTF?
>>31566464 Did you forget necrozma?
Shiny 1736-3213-9067
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>31566451 Why can't you obtain your own?
>>31566464 Make sure you aren't missing Magearna.
>>31566498 Necrozma shows up after the UB questline
>>31566507 you don't need magearna
Shiny 1736-3213-9067
>>31566507 Yeah I know about Magearna, I was getting it last.
>>31566519 What is Necrozma? An Ultra Beast?
>>31566536 I think it doesn't count as an ultra beast. looker should have mentioned something about seeing something fly over the first island. You go talk to him at the hotel and then go to furthest hollow to catch necrozma
>inb4 spoon feeding newfags Anonymous
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Anyone have a nidoran or any pokemon from that line?
Rafael 1977-0172-8981
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>>31566507 I do have a Silvally but just in case the next game where Type:Null is only available via transfer.
Shura 2750 1424 2684
>>31566320 Thanks for the trade!
Shiny 1736-3213-9067
>>31566560 Do I have to bring legendaries to battle it like Cosmog?
Fian 4012-4215-0458
>>31566602 Thanks a ton for all of these, sorry if some are lackluster IV/EM they were probably bred off Entralink ones (I'm looking at you Horsea).
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>>31566606 No, just run around the grass until you encounter it. Make sure you completed the UB quest line and talked to looker or booker or whatever first
Shura 2750 1424 2684
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>>31566613 No worries. I know a few of mine had no EMs/crappy nature and probably bad IVs. I just got some of the recently and didn't have the chance to fix them up yet.
Sadie 0963 0745 9447
>>31566446 I'm taking a slight break before I continue
My noibats are actually at the bottom of the list but that doesn't matter
I've got all of these things, I assume we're trading on gen 7?
>Extreme Speed Linoone is banned from ratings wew lad
Rex 3883 8033 5445
>>31566713 Yes, gen 7 if possible. Sorry. Was distracted. Online now, adding you.
Just wondering if someone can offer some teambuilding advice? With bank out I decided to build a team around a charizard/venusaur core, here's what I have so far: charizard@charizardite y blaze/drought timid/modest 252 spe/252 sp atk/4 def heat wave/air slash/solarbeam/protect venusaur@life orb chloryphil timid/modest 252 spe/252 sp atk/4 hp giga drain/sludge bomb/growth/synthesis garchomp@groundium z rough skin jolly/adamant 252 spe/252 atk/4 def dragon claw/earthquake/protect/poison jab I'm thinking of adding a hariyama for fake off/knock off utility, not quite sure what other 2 mons to add or if there are any changes I should make. Thinking of possibly dropping synthesis from venusaur in favour of protect.
Sadie 0963 0745 9447
>>31566821 ok added you, online
What the hell is wrong with Free Battle? Literally every single time I try and find a match it can't find an opponent. There can't be a single fucking person I can fight anywhere in the world ?
Rex 3883 8033 5445
>>31566939 Sending you a request when I notice you aren't in an active trade. Did you want anything particular for the things? One of each that I offered or something?
>>31566940 Your internet is shit
Sadie 0963 0745 9447
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>>31566978 sure send whatever
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>>31566991 I know for a fact it's not.
Rex 3883 8033 5445
>>31566939 Thank you Sadie. You are a god. I have pretty much all the things I felt like I NEEDED.
Sadie 0963 0745 9447
>>31566770 Linoone can't learn Extreme Speed, how'd you get him that move in the first place
>>31567127 It's an event, dummy.
Jamie 0447-8328-0348
I've been looking around for someone to battle but the only thread I can find is a tournament that is almost over, so I dunno if I can ask here but is anyone interested in battling?
Jamie 0447-8328-0348
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>>31567160 Right. I only have Sun
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>>31567127 Like
>>31567140 said, it was from jump festa 15. You can also get one if you have pokemon box, a gamecube and pretty much old games to transfer it around
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Anyone have a HA munchlax/snorlax breedject? i'll trade a penta HA egg move vulpix or penta HA jangmo-o
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>31567605 If that's the case, then I'll take a Scyther, Delibird, Vanillite, Vullaby, Fletchling, Fast Ball Oricorio, Wishiwashi, Fomantis, Salandit, both Bruxish, and Drampa, all with their HAs if possible thanks.
Should I add you since that's around 12 Pokemon?
Fian 4012-4215-0458
>>31567605 Seeing what I have/don't have already but I'll probably ask for a few from there as well. Trying to sort out bank stuff, will probably have Dream Ball A-Grimers soon.
Would people be interested in Park Ball Combee or not?
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>31567794 Yup, add me and post your fc.
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
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>>31567869 Please senpai, you mean sport ball not park.
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>>31567870 FC is 2680-9444-1491, I'll add you and be online in a few minutes.
can..can I hang out in here for a bit? I don't feel safe at the moment.
>>31567946 My natural inclination is to tell you to fuck off, but now I'm curious as to what's wrong.
>>31568001 Have no not seen /vp/ at them moment?
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>31567946 What's wrong anon?
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>>31568016 Sending TR now, or whenever you're available.
>>31568007 I only come to wfg. The rest of this board is a literal dumpster fire.
Fian 4012-4215-0458
>>31568007 W-wow that's a lot of
shitposts >>31568016 Could I have Friend Ball Fomantis? Send me a TR when on the plaza.
>>31568016 Thank you very much for all of those Pokemon.
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>31568304 >>31568081 I'm glad someone got use for them.
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
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>>31568067 More so at this moment. I just saw the catalog. The Yu-gi-Oh! GX stuff is kinda funny.
>>31568373 Are you still here? And do you still have some on hands?
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>31568767 Yup but i am out of Vullaby and Formantis.
>>31568781 Ok. I'd like a Heavy Wishiwashi and Salandit if thats ok
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>31568792 Alrighty, i'm online.
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6v6 OU anyone ? 1478 7107 6859
Arekusu 3583-2965-7271
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Anybody got a Careful Guzzlord? I went with impish on my playthrough and I'm kind of regretting it. I also have a docile one I got from WT.
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Modest or Timid for Hydreigon?
Anyone have like... a breeding masterpost/infographic type thing they can post/link me to with all the relevant information, but updated for S&M? I don't remember how egg moves and shit are done, or things that can be TM'd and then breed to pass down so the offspring has it off the bat, etc.
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>>31569240 For egg moves you could look up the mons on serebii, they have info on breed chains for specific moves.
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>>31569240 same as usual
Destiny knot held item increases chance of IVs being passed down
Everstone held item guarantees nature passed down
Egg moves are usually acquired by breeding two different pokemon species within the same egg group (you'll have to wiki what pokemon are in what egg groups since the game doesnt seem to tell you)
having a pokemon with Magma Armor or Warm Body will double egg hatching speed
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>>31569240 A bit out of date but should be helpful either way.
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I catch em all if em is defined as Pokémon, but not if you mean TMs. I never get around to catching all the TMs.
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>>31569240 Some tutor moves are egg moves, make sure to get some before you transfer.
>tfw breeding for a female Contrary HP Fire Snivy >22 boxes done >Already got 2 Shinies one of which is pentaperfect >Still no right HP Truly suffering
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>>31569433 Alex? You should stop for your well-beings sake.
Are there any shortcuts to evolving happiness pokemen? Just evolved Crobat and it took me twenty years.
Fian 4012-4215-0458
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>>31569567 Feed it tons of EV reducing berries until it says it has no effect.
3609-1044-1295 !OdPhRed5NU
I've got a Porygon who needs to evolve, but it has sat there with its Up-Grade on the GTS for ages (being taken off at put back every day or so to put it back up the list) with no takers. Could someone from here please help? Porygon Level 30, holding an Up-Grade IGN: Chicken-chan Message: I want to fill my PokéDex
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>>31570073 Never mind, traded a Weavile for another one.
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I've got a Porygon who needs to evolve, but it has sat there with its Up-Grade on the GTS for ages (being taken off at put back every day or so to put it back up the list) with no takers. Could someone from here please help? Porygon Level 30, holding an Up-Grade IGN: Chicken-chan Message: I want to fill my PokéDex
AniX 3411-1566-3161 (Y, AS, M) Looking for HAmons, Have HAmons.
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>>31570256 Got you family.
>>31570256 I could get you HA Emolga in a love ball, do you have a Tangela with regen?
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>>31570312 Or an Audino in a heal ball
Does anyone have a spare HA Chimchar they can trade me? Ivs or egg moves don't matter. I can offer a Love Ball Ralts or a Dream Ball Mawile
AniX 3411-1566-3161 (Y, AS, M)
>>31570312 I have a Tangela. Give me 2 seconds to get it off Bank.
Did they make it so that Legendaries are guaranteed to have a set number of IVs at 31, or am I just really lucky?
bupi 0791 - 5624 - 8472
>>31570565 Thank you, I'll add you in the meantime
3926-5004-2681 (IGN: Ramon)
>>31570353 I just bred some DBHA Chimchar. I'd like that Dream Mawile.
>>31570623 Yes, I think gen VI guaranteed every legendary to have at least 3 perfect IVs.
>>31570663 Ill throw one up on the GTS.
IGN - Iris
Msg - This is a Pokemon with great potential,
Please raise it if you'd like.
Lemme know when you're ready.
AniX 3411-1566-3161 (Y, AS, M)
>>31570652 Ready when you are.
3926-5004-2681 (IGN: Ramon)
bupi 0791 - 5624 - 8472
>>31570724 I'm in the plaza, send me a request
what's your ign?
>>31570731 Thanks, Sorry, it's just easier for me to do it this way. It's up now.
AniX 3411-1566-3161 (Y, AS, M)
3926-5004-2681 (IGN: Ramon)
>>31570738 It's okay. My Friend List is full due to the Friend Safari so this is more convenient for me, actually.
Also sent.
Don't worry about the ball, it's legal.
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>>31570679 Huh, neat. Guess I missed the memo on that, most of the reason I've never messed around with legendarys / non-breedable stuff before is because of how incredibly difficult it is to get max IV versions of them, but I heard about bottle caps this gen so I figure I might as well pay attention to the nature and stuff of them this time around.
Modest and in a Moon Ball for the literal embodiment of the moon seems pretty decent, not happy about that 31 attack when it's 4x weak to dark but I guess I'll just stick with it as is.
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>>31570748 Sweet Thanks Mang.
I had a decent Infernape trained up but someone on the GTS had a shiny Gardevoir up for one.
So.. Lol
bupi 0791 - 5624 - 8472
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How do I compete in the Alola Friendly thing? I already signed up for it. I just want to do whatever the minimum amount of matches to get the BP is.
>>31570770 So you accept any egg and prefer to not use any on that list? Because I can breed you a random egg fast.
>>31570871 go for it, drop your fc when ready
>>31570886 I grabbed the egg and added you.
Alex 0130-2087-4822
3926-5004-2681 (IGN: Ramon)
>>31570943 Same guy who traded you all those HA starters yesterday. Interested in HA Treecko and Chimchar? They're in Dream Balls.
Alex 0130-2087-4822
>>31570979 Yes, what do you want for them?
3926-5004-2681 (IGN: Ramon)
>>31570984 Dream Ball Koffing and Moon Ball Oricorio.
Alex 0130-2087-4822
>>31570996 Sounds good. I need to breed them but it shouldn't take long.
Anybody got a list of useful moves Pokemon can only learn in RB?
3926-5004-2681 (IGN: Ramon)
>>31571029 Take your time.
And any reason why you don't want HA Torchic? Alex 0130-2087-4822
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>>31571052 I already have an HA Torchic from the event in the beginning of XY.
Uinta 2938 6931 4139
Quoted By: Posting list again. Can I breed A-Geodude to be in Safari Balls, or do non-Alolan Geodudes count as different species?
does anyone want to battle?
3609-1044-1295 !OdPhRed5NU
Alex 0130-2087-4822
>>31571052 Your Koffing and Oricorio are ready. I also changed my mind on the Torchic. If you want something else from my list, I'd be happy to trade it for a Torchic.
3926-5004-2681 (IGN: Ramon)
>>31571197 Only thing on that list I'm interested in is a WIP so you get it as a gift from me.
Alex 0130-2087-4822
>>31571211 Really? Thanks!
What is the WIP you're interested in? I can give priority to that one and let you know when I finish it.
3926-5004-2681 (IGN: Ramon)
Alex 0130-2087-4822
>>31571237 Thanks for the trades. I'll probably finish moon ball Sableye later today. If you're around I can give you one.
3926-5004-2681 (IGN: Ramon)
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>>31571280 That'd be great. And thanks for the trades!
Could I have some tips on what should I spam GTS with to fill up my pokedex? Non-legendaries ofc. Just beat the game and am trying to get dex completed, I've got Sun.
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>>31571411 Pseudo legendary breeding rejects.
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>>31571411 Offer trade evos if you're asking for them, don't forget to set the message to I want to fill my pokedex
Also, Feebas is a good one, I had a pick up team so I got a lot of prism scales, so it might not work too well if it's just the fish, good luck
Is it true that having a female with HA increases the chance of it being passed down?
>>31571512 I wasn't aware that males could pass down hidden abilities unless it was via ditto sex.
Sabs 1289-9206-6671
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>>31571512 Yes
>>31571526 Also that is true
Can any of the surfing pikachus be moved to Sun and moon?
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>>31571658 As far as I'm aware, they can't be transferred knowing HM moves.
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>>31571658 I believe the Gen 6 ones can, but not the older ones
Jorge 0387-9290-9349
Now that the Bank rolled out, I'm looking for a Dive Ball Omanyte. I don't have much to offer but I do have a friend ball Ralts I can breed quickly. If anybody has Balltism Gen 3-4 starters, I'm interested as well. They don't have to have good IVs or anything since I plan to breed them myself.
>>31571957 >dream radar but not catching in a dream ball Jorge 0387-9290-9349
>>31571957 Wasn't it availabe at Entree Forest at some point? I know that GL for Gen V is dead but someone must have done it.
Jorge 0387-9290-9349
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>31572124 Stop posting your dumb off-topic shit, you annoying cunt
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
I'm looking for some balltism. I'm wondering if anyone has fast ball growlithe, love ball goomy, and lure ball gible. I'd prefer them to be adamant, modest, and jolly, if at all possible. Here's my list. I've got every other pokemon, but I'd have to transfer them over. You'll have to give me team to breed them depending on the mon.
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
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>>31572149 Whoops, ignore that, I had a friend asking about that video earlier.
>>31572066 I'm pretty sure it was not in Dream Radar, just Dream World.
Coincidentally, I'm looking for a Dream Ball Omanyte/Omastar with its Hidden Ability.
>>31572149 > I've got every other pokemon Everywhere?
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
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>>31572186 I've got a full dex, but I haven't transferred everything over to sun and moon since there really isn't much point. I was really hoping they'd increase the box size to 50ish or so so I can have my living dex and then extra breed fodder, but all well.
Sabs 1289-9206-6671
>>31572149 I have a Lure ball Gible. I'll take one of your Sandshrew if that's okay.
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>31572197 That works for me. It's HA and all that. I assume yours is the same.
>>31572185 i have DBHA omastar. do you have a list?
>>31572205 Not readily available. But I can go put one together. Or is there something specific you'd like?
>>31572149 I can breed you a fast Growlithe for a friend Grimer, just give me a little while to get an adamant
>>31572197 Hey sabs, did you evolved your haunter? Sorry about yesterday
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>>31572137 yo shut the FUCK up
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
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>>31572218 Works for me.
I'm getting online now, Sab.
Sabs 1289-9206-6671
>>31572201 Yep, Rough Skin. I just gotta breed it after these karps hatch.
>>31572218 I did not. It's fine, though. Family wanted to watch a shitty movie and I couldn't trade if I wanted to.
>>31572216 ideally friend / beast ball starters not listed here
>>31565209 Anonymous
>>31572249 to clarify, anything in a friend ball i dont have, not just starters
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>31572241 Alright. Let me know when you guys finish breeding and whatnot, I'll get online then.
Sabs 1289-9206-6671
>>31572271 Online and in the plaza.
>>31572260 Here, I just finished a Pastebin list. I do have a few Friend Ball Pokemon, including Chikorita. Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>31572314 Thanks.
Hopefully someone shows up with a loveball goomy, but I doubt anyone has it.
bupi 0791 - 5624 - 8472
>>31572271 Got the pupper, I'll add you
>>31572241 Well, if you have time after this, I'm still looking to evolve my two things, if you don't mind helping me
>>31572356 is your fast meowth alolan?
>>31572444 No, it's a regular Meowth.
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>31572421 Added and online.
Sadie 0963 0745 9447
Sabs 1289-9206-6671
>>31572421 Not a problem. I'll trade with you after the other guy.
bupi 0791 - 5624 - 8472
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>>31572489 Thank you for the Gimmer
>>31572502 Thank you!
>>31572464 i could do the omanyte for a moon ball oricorio. Ill get to breeding right now
>>31572526 Okay, that sounds good. My FC is 3755-0047-4898.
bupi 0791 - 5624 - 8472
>>31572502 Thanks again! Have a great weekend
Sabs 1289-9206-6671
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>>31572613 Thanks friend, you too.
>>31572637 Okay, I added you. I'll get on the Festival Plaza in a minute when my 3DS update and registers you.
>>31572637 >>31572669 My 3DS still hasn't registered you. Are you on?
>>31572407 I got a modest love ball Goomy.
Ill breed a few.
LB Goomy
>>31572816 If you're interested, lemme know.
Ill take a beast ball Sandshrew
>>31572763 finally hatched HA just now. It's female too. ill get on right now
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>31572852 I am, yeah. Lemme know when you finish breeding one.
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>>31572869 Oh, I did not realize that you were still breeding eggs. I'll hope on too.
LB Goomy
>>31572887 K just finished hatching 3 in case anyone else wants one.
Throw the sandshrew up on the gts and lemme know what to look for. Ill hop on right now.
Sorry, it's easier for me then doing direct trading. lol
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>>31572869 Thank you very much for the Omanyte. You've helped me to help another friend of mine. :)
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>31572933 oh, gts? Ive never had a successful trade that way. You sure you can't trade normally?
LB Goomy
>>31572982 All right hold on.
IGN - Iris
Code's - 2337 - 7590 - 8996
LB Goomy
>>31572992 Added Ill be in the plaza
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
>>31573007 getting online.
LB Goomy
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>>31573049 Cool, Thanks.
I actually saw your message from earlier.
>>31572407 Traded a Tapu for it cause they're easy to get.
LB Goomy
Sorry to ask but best ball for a Riolu?
>>31573237 Whichever you think fits best
LB Goomy
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>>31573259 >>31573260 Thanks, I guess Ill go with the beast ball I got on hand.
Cole FC: 3196-7650-1351
If anyone want to battle add and reply to me :D XD
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>>31573629 >battling >in wfg pick one idiot
3609-1044-1295 !OdPhRed5NU
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>>31565618 Are you around atm?
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309
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While i wait for Mia and Mela (or whoever helped me with the totodiles, and the snubull give away guy) Anyone got some transfer mons they can offer me? Im in need of things like Sigilyph and expanding my legendary collection
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
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Looking for adamant level ball makuhita now. 3609-1044-1295 !OdPhRed5NU
Apparently when you've got a team locked in for an online competition, you can't even use it in friend battles for some reason. You'll just have to fight my imported teams instead.
Cole FC: 3196-7650-1351
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>>31573951 Ur good, need to get my last 2 party members: Excadrill and Tyranitar for full power of my team. Also just saw that i had 2 mega stones in my team, lel XD
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>>31566900 You'll definitely want a Spin/Defog on the team if you're planning on pivoting with Charizard. Maybe Crobat or Gliscor?
Is entrainment a good move for launcher?
Cole FC: 3196-7650-1351
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My full team so far will be Greninja, Blaziken, Excadrill, Tyranitar, Mimikyu and Garchomp. Any ideas what to change/add/improve?
>>31574448 I meant clauncher. Fuck
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>>31574514 What are you entraining? Your opponent?
There are pokemon with better abilities to stick your opponent with then mega launcher.
Though if you're trying to entrain your own lucario so its Aura Spheres hurt more.
I'm looking for a venipede (Or compatible parents) in a loveball! will trade snivy, axew or any three starter pokemon for it! I just REALLY WANT ONE
>>31574610 I don't think it's legal, dreamball is, maybe you're thinking of that
>>31574666 You can Island scan for one.
>>31574666 >what is island scan Anonymous
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>>31574693 >>31574698 Oh shit, sorry sorry
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Do you guys have a loveball Venipede? I was a fucking moron and used my HV ball and Love ball on freaking dittos cause I wasnt thinking
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Oh shit are you guys battling I wanna battle
In what language is ''Mona'' offensive? Doesn't work as a nickname ;_;
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309
Anyone mind helpining a brother out get some bottle caps, mega stones, and transfer mons? I got a plethora of pokemon i can breed for the help, and also help people breed projects they are working on
>>31575077 Regigiganon! How have you been doing since you outed yourself for having 6IV dittos that "you were never going to use?"
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>>31571050 Pay Day is a TM.
>>31574693 >>31574698 Can it have speed boost? I haven't actually done a island scan yet, can you reset and stuff for abilities?
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>>31575202 You can't get speed boost Venipede in gen 7 because it can't SOS, gotta get it in XY
Does Quagsire not appear in a horde, I really want its hidden ability but I don't have one in a friend safari and they aren't in ORAS.
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You can get love ball HA venipede by breeding a male in a love ball with any HA female
>>31575448 Why can't you llok this up on your own?
Toast 0173-1818-3496 !RGvkjyFVJA
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Anyone have a ditto or something with a 0 in speed IVs? And level ball makuhita.
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309
>>31575116 I think this image will satisfy you for a bit, considering youve been going on and on on the same untrue shit for 5 months now.
Feeding time everyone!
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>>31575526 Because it was telling me no and I was hoping you'd say yes instead and point out something I've overlooked.
Will a Pokémon transferred from RBY to PokeBank retain it's ball? Is balltism a thing in the original games?
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>>31576242 They didn't invent keeping track of what ball you used until Gen III, so they are all treated as having poke.
LF Corphish with the egg moves Knock Off and Aqua Jet, ball irrelevant
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>>31576281 Actually nvm, just Aqua Jet.
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309
>>31576281 Give me a bit of time i can breed ya a dream ball one with the HA. Any prefrence on nature? or can i just use the Adamant one on my Crawdaunt?
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>>31576382 Any nature is fine, forgot to say I wanted the HA too so please do that too
>>31576382 wait what do you want in return?
Alex 0130-2087-4822
>>31570943 Bumping list. I'm still looking for a bunch of stuff.
And Ramon, if you're here I have an HA moon ball Sableye for you.
3926-5004-2681 (IGN: Ramon)
3926-5004-2681 (IGN: Ramon)
>>31576965 Thanks! Really appreciate it!
Alex 0130-2087-4822
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>>31577113 No problem. Thanks again for all the trades over the past few days.
>>31575629 That's what he's after you for? Not you literally begging for legendaries after begging for totodile and then making the /wfg/ anon's wait on you because you're an asshole?
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309
>>31576704 Nothing in return, cant promise good IVS, but the Eggmove and Ha id be happy to sincei just transfered them up
>>31577661 I dont beg for legends, sorry if it came out that way. I more meant i was trading for them to make a collection. And the being and asshole, again, I have a life, i've been juggling some stuff lately, tonight however im trying to get everything done I wasnt able t odo
>>31578269 Is it ready now then?
So no venipede in loveball? ;_; I'll give anything i can
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>>31578370 Give me your soul for it.
>>31578370 I have it, I wouldn't mind a HA venipede in return.
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309
>>31578342 Just one moment, had to transfer up a Tauros for Mela from yesterday, il have your egg ready in 5 minutes tops. itll also have dragon dance for ya.
Im giving it for ya for free anyway, but got anything that might be interesting to trade?
>>31578466 I guess I could breed you a HA Hoenn starter or a HA Gligar?
Also I'll give you my code already: 3969-8977-9930
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309
>>31578534 I think a Gligar will do fine, i always loved that scorp when it evolved. just a question though before I add ya, does it have cross poision? Again, Ill still give ya the corphish either way, just asking
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So quick question, can you check what items your pokemon mined out in the pelago, reset before saving, and get different items, or will it be the same every time? because at this point I'm ready to just ask for a quick trade with someone willing to part with a duskstone just so I can grab it and trade back.
Ricardo 5472-7450-2610
Looking for: Lure Ball Croagunk Friend Ball Shroomish Heavy Ball Machop Dream Ball Mienfoo Nest Ball Chespin Jangmo-o (any apricorn ball) Love Ball Stufful Moon Ball Pancham Heavy Ball Timburr (or any other apricorn ball actually) I have lots of stuff I can breed to offer, but ready to go I have: Lure Ball Dratini Love Ball Cleffa Love Ball A-Vulpix Heavy Ball Mudbray Fast Ball Grubbin
>>31578682 Eh, sadly it doesn't.
Orange 2750 - 2391 - 1227
>>31578718 Let me finish up this very long doubles battle. It's Celesteela vs Weezing and we're both going to struggle at this rate...
>>31578739 Do you have a pastebin or something?
I have
Heavy Ball Machop
Dream Ball Mienfoo
Nest Ball Chespin
Jangmo-o (any apricorn ball)
>>31578769 sounds grueling!
Orange 2750 - 2391 - 1227
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>>31578793 His rest only has 10 pp, that's only maybe 30 turns. I lost count but I think he's down to 1 or 2 pp.
Ricardo 5472-7450-2610
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>>31578770 Not really, I'll just make a quick list. Give me like 15 minutes
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309
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>>31578744 Ok, thats fine, a gligar is a gligar. Not a fan of stall gligars though, I just Like gliscor in general.
I got 4 eggs hatching now, Ill pick the one with the best IVs to give to you. Ill add ya in just a second since they are starting to hatch
bupi 0791 - 5624 - 8472
>>31578739 I have some love Stufful I got off wonder trades, thunder and ice punch as em I believe
How about one of those Cleffa for it?
Also, I'm about to wonder trade some DBHA Minccino leftovers, anyone wants one?
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309
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>>31578739 I can help with the stufful when im dne with these corphish, i need something to keep me occupied while I wait for Mila anyway.
post the list you have when ya can
Orange 2750 - 2391 - 1227
>>31578793 What's your FC?
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309
>>31578881 >minccino HA dream ball Gib! anything you looking for?
bupi 0791 - 5624 - 8472
>>31578923 Do you have Audino? preferably in a heal or luxury ball, but if not, that's fine too of course. I'll add you
>>31578911 3110-9184-6078
Trying to get your HA venipede, i had been trying for one before and I was hoping for some luck myself
>>31578965 No worries, just message me when you're ready.
Justin 3067-5394-3388
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Would anyone be willing to trade a HA Swirlix? Slurpuff is one of my fave pokémon, but I don't have Bank, and the ones on the GTS are either asking for legendaries or other Bank mons. I don't think I have much, just a 5IV Jolly Lure Ball Totodile w/Aqua Jet/Dragon Dance/Ice Punch/Metal Claw egg moves, and a 5IV Adamant Dive Ball Marill w/Belly Drum/Superpower/Aqua Jet egg moves.
Has anybody a leftover HA gligar? I can offer: HA Tangela friend ball EM HA Bulbasaur Nest ball EM HA Froakie poke ball Karrablast with EM dreamball Thanks
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50 wins in super battle tree gets you the ribbon, right?
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Anyone here played colosseum? is it possible to transfer a purified pokemon to emerald, then back to colosseum, erase the emerald and then send the purified pokemon to emerald again i got an used copy of emerald the battery is dead but the current save has a ton of berries and only 5 shitmons in the box So my plan would be >Catch aipom in colosseum >Send it to emerald to win contest >then back to colosseum >Erase emerald so i can beat it myself and get a good team >after that send aipom back to emerald to become champion and beat battle frontier
>>31579025 I do. Throw me a HA Bulba.
>>31579025 I have this. I'm interested in friend tangela
also looking for female HA litwick. Ball is irrelevant. EM would be nice but are by no means required.
almost done w Kia stuff
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309
>>31578963 Sadly, no Audino, and it makes me sad either way because i love Audino myself. its like a giant plushie of Exp love. if you ever get one of those, let me know and ill be all over that.
>>31578744 I got your corphish ready, 3 ivs in attack Hp and defence
Since we are all gonna be trading, how about i add you both and we wait in the plaza so we can trade what we want in one go?
>>31578965 And if that dosnt work out for you after this trade, Ill breed a Venipede for ya bruvin
>>31579044 OK
I'll breed one, give me a sec
I tell you when i'm ready
SissySam 3110-9184-6078
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>>31578998 I feel like an idiot, I caught two dittos using my love and heavy ball thinking they allowed Dittos to pass down the ball but agh, I dun goofed
bupi 0791 - 5624 - 8472
>>31579072 That's fine, any breedject you have on hand is cool
send me a request whenever you want, what's your ign?
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>>31579074 Oh and FC: 0877 3128 2671
>>31578963 I have audino in both Dream Ball and Heal ball. Do you have anything other than the chinchilla?
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>>31579061 OK.
I tell you when i'm ready
bupi 0791 - 5624 - 8472
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>>31579146 I have some DBHA Lileep with recover, stealth rocks and mirror coat
how about a bonus bottle cap with?
if you're looking for anything, maybe I have it, though I doubt it. I don't have a list unfortunately
So thank you for the offer anon
Regigiganon 5429 - 7987 - 1309
bupi 0791 - 5624 - 8472
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>>31575072 It's apparently Italian for pussy