pic related is OU in its recent state
S Rank
>The top rank alone (Lando-T) is part Flying type, faster and intimidates
>M-Metagross outspeeds and is part Psychic
>Tapu Lele outspeeds and can hit with 2 SE STABS
A+ Rank
>Ash Greninja outspeeds
>Celesteela is part flying
>Greninja outspeeds and can change typings
>Heatran almost always comes with Air Balloon
That's just the first two ranks in OU, and you already have a number of counters/checks. The lwoer ranks have other pokemon that outspeeds and OHKOs (M-Alakazam, Latios), or are flying types (Skarmory, Pelipper, Gyarados), OR BOTH outspeeds and are flying types/carry Levitate (Latios, Tornadus-t, Thundurus, Gliscor)
You can't tell me this metagame will drastically change when a lot are already capable of getting around No Guard Fissure