Categories are adjectives rather than the subject. Weedle isn't literally a hairy bug, because bugs aren't a thing in the pokemon world, because everything there is a pokemon. The closest thing to describe what kind of pokemon it is is what we would call a hairy bug.
Kyogre isn't a literal sea basin, Espeon isn't the sun, Blissey isn't the physical form of happiness itself, etc.
>>31638743Kora refers to the carapace itself rather than the entire animal, so shellfish isn't the most faithful translation ever. I wouldn't completely knock it though, because Kabuto and Kabutops are limulids, and we love calling limulids crabs despite that. Blastoise's shell and cannons, its entire gimmick, function like the siphons and mantle of shellfish, whether it is used for locomotion or storing water. It could even be implied that is used for filter feeding sinec Blastoise's cannons replaced the minogame features on Wartortle.