Pewter City Pokémon Center, I think it was called, was my first Pokémon website. It had a Pokémon game made in RPG Maker 95. Pretty cute. I found the game a while back but I lost it again. One of those great RPG Maker 95 Pokémon games that may be lost to time (RIP Evan's Adventure)...
Also used to frequent Abra's Psychic Pokémon Connection- Psypoke as it's more commonly known. It's very much a second-rate Serebii nowadays but back then it was loads of fun.
Briefly visited Caterpie Forest once or twice, I remember being wowed by the amount of fan fiction the webmaster had done, it's probably something like a hundred times more nowadays.
Used to post on Pokemopolis all the time, right up until TPCi took over the anime, coincidentally or not...
And Serebii, of course, that one never went away. And this place!