>>31775456Ramos had a better design than most grass gym leaders, it's just a shame his team was garbage. Agree with Glacia, although Lorelai isn't far behind her.
Winona's always the gym leader I forget about the most. Brawly's only memorable for being a terrible design, though ORAS rectified that some. Watson was always forgettable, as was Flannery if not for the abundance of porn. I always forget Fantina in the Sinnoh lineup, and while he had a cool idea behind him (ironworker and the coalminer's dad) Byron was horrible looking with his undershirt and cape. The three brothers in Unova looked like shit and are only notable for there being the three of them together. I always forget Olympia somehow, not that I forget how she looks or her name or what her type was, just that I forget she existed until reminded.
Also the whole Sinnoh E4 needs honorable mention for being bland as shit. Bertha is at least memorable for filling out some of the old lady quota, but Aaron looked awful, Flint's only memorable for his team and afro being afro, and Lucian is a somehow duller version of Will. Also Malva's design was terribly bland and she was only memorable for her team Flare association and the holocast gimmick.