>>31789086Hydreigon's a weird one- I absolutely love multi-headed beasts like hydras, King Ghidorah from Godzilla was a favorite of mine as a kid. A 3 headed dragon should be right up my alley, but Hydreigon feels like... it's missing something. Horns? Spikes? Bigger, more defined wings? I'm not sure but it feels off- I don't like it as much as I should given it's design niche.
>>31789093>>31789096>>31791256>>31793911Good taste, Metagross is awesome. Psychic spider tank for life.
Do you think Metagross has telepathy, could it speak to you in your mind? What would it's voice sound like? Deep and gravely, or more robotic?
I've always been a bit confused by Metagross' biology, or at least how much of it is biological. It's previous formes never mention a need to eat, yet Metagross has a hunting pattern and seems to feed on other organisms as a source of energy. So it must have a whole host of internal organs to process said calories. It sure looks like a robot besides it's eyes and the red inside of it's mouth- is it just a metal exterior?
I've also always wondered if Metagross needed to be Psychic. If it wasn't, it could just use magnetism to levitate itself and fulfill most of the functions of it's Psychic traits. If it wasn't Psychic, what would it's secondary typing be? Psychic/Steel isn't super great anymore now that Steel no longer resists Dark/Ghost.
>>31791296Delete this.
Are you asking what is the best stat distribution for a Pseudo? They have 600 BST by definition as of now, unless Game Freak wants to fuck that up. Garchomp is the posterboy for Game Freak possessing self-awareness of how to min-max a Pokemon.
Dragon/Water and Dragon/Steel are obligatory "really damn good type combos" for a pseudo. I'm hoping they'll start moving away from Dragons, Metagross was a start- but the past 4 have been Dragons, they seemed to have given up on that. Dragons already have the highest average BST, (inb4 a Fairy Pseudo that fucking wrecks the meta.)