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Magnemite request

No.31802045 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey, /vp/. Does anyone of you have an Analytinc Magnemite in a Heavy Ball?
In exchange, I can offer:
-Sableye with HA, EM and Dusk Ball.
-Togepi with Premier Ball.
-Riolu with EM and Dream Ball.
-Totodile with HA, EM and Lure Ball.
-Alolan Vulpix with HA, EM and Luxury Ball.
-Honedge with EM and Moon Ball.
-Beldum with Heavy Ball.
-Gible with HA, EM and Lure Ball.
-Sneasel with HA, EM and Luxury Ball.
All of them have some perfect IVs (in fact, I have a bunch of perfect Riolus), so they are perfect for breeding.