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[15 / 3 / ?]

No.31835869 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Here's an idea. So any pokemon can use Z-moves, but a few have exclusive ones. So I thought, why not have the same with mega evolution? Introducing Omnite. When holding Omnite, any fully evolved pokemon can mega evolve, including those that already have an exclusive mega (except Mega Fug). Pokemon that mega evolve through it will get +20 to attack, defence, sp. attack, sp. defence, and speed. They will retain their typing, and ability. Pokemon that mega evolve like this won't have a unique model, but will have an aura like totems. Using this counts as a fully fledged mega evolution, so you can only do it once a battle, even if you have other pokemon with unique mega evolutions.

What do you think? Would anything in particular benefit from this?