>>31846882That's not majora, because I am
Actually, as the person who actually made the region map, I can confirm that r16 and r6 being marked as artificial is completely atbitrary. We had no clue what we wanted those locations to be, and for whatever reason I just filled them in as artifical instead of making it as ???.
I'm staunchly a supporter of making r6 fireswamp, actually, though I do think 16 being a bridge with parks and shit on it with stuff like chihaha and Cheshire and other "urban" mons that don't really fit anywhere being there, since it's next to the day care.
Going HUR THE REGION MAP SAYS BOTH ARE BRIDGES and shutting down any alternatives is also retarded, beyond the fact that it wasn't intentional, is because since then people have regularly ignored the region map even when it DID have intentionally selected biomes because they just wanted to.
If people are allowed to make r9 not tropical or the scrapyard not be sinking into marshland or make the actual marsh cycling road goes over a swamp instead of a marsh just because they feel like it when theose were intentionally supposed to be those things, then people can make 16 and 6 not bridges if they want to when them being bridges wasn't intentional to begin with
tl;dr region map is and has been for a long time being treated as a felxiable guide, not as a set in stone thing, deal with it and stop being the autist I used to be.