Trade - Battle - Breed - Autism
This thread is for Hacks, Clones, or Injections. There are other threads for those but, come on, you want to post here because of our loving community.
A more in-depth explanation of how the thread works: Old:
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Looking for:
Friend ball Natu HA + Roost
Safari ball Yanma
Details and other LF in my list
My list: Anonymous
Anyone have an extra 6 iv ditto?
>>31937205 put up a ledbya on GTS requesting a level 100 ditto
Reposting from last thread just in case. If anyone wants them, I have a couple of UK mystery gift codes for bottle caps.>E7ZA TC75 3JZH 7444 >E7ZA DFA4 AC2F 6QXD The bottle cap gift can only be redeemed once per game, I already used a code on my Sun and Moon copies so they're no use to me.
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Posted this in the dead thread lol looking for level ball pokemon with shinx and tepig taking priority. These in my box have Balltism and egg moves but def need something good if you want HA. If you see anything u like lmk open to other apricorn balls as well. Happy trading Anons ^_^
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>>31937230 Ok i put a lvl 2 ledyba up
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>31937397 what caused this?
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>31937437 :)
>>31937441 Bugs can't breathe when there are floods.
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>>31937234 >6QXD >XD Go back to
I took the lower one, thanks anon. Vicious
Sabs 1289-9206-6671
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>>31937493 >Bugs can't breathe when there are floods Jayz !JeSter8CDw
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>31939510 Is that Lena Dunham?
why is this place so dead
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>>31940402 Dunno, this is sad :(
looking to trade but there is no one
>>31940402 Anyone worth anything (plus Amplify) went to Discord
>>31940522 can you post an invite Anonymous
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>People who want a legendary at level 1-10 on the GTS Am I missing something here? Isn't that impossible for shit like Ho-oh?
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
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Where are my stones /vp/, you promised me stones
Sarah 4012 4258 3987
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Has anyone got a Team Pink 5*? I've got Rare Kitchen 5*, Friendship Cafe 4* and Gold Rush 4* if you want any of them.
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>31940718 Are Ben and Zess in there?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>31940991 Ben is. Zess is not.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Did those /guz/ generals die? I remember seeing them all the time.
list: Your Voltorb is ready, Hikaru!
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>>31941122 Probably ran out of shit to talk about
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Hey guys Looking for anything, my X/Y data can't be found for pokebank, so i'll just take any breeding rejects at this point
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Looking for Bold Nature Ditto.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>31940522 False discord is also ded
source: i killd it
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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Thread is asleep post shit posts
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>31942072 1v1 me and see what happens
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>31942332 ew he looks like a gril
twinks go and stay go
Mela 1822-3845-8425
What can we do if we don't trade, battle, or breed? What can we talk about? Can we talk about Pokemon? I like SQUIRTLE
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>31942426 I like
_______You Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>31942356 >he doesn't like boys that look like girls Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>31942467 If you're going to choose to be gay might as well like manly men
Jesse 2552-4741-4580
Hey guys I'm looking for a Slush Rush A-Sandshrew, I have loads of good breedjects to offer.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31942451 hey you're ok!
>>31942509 reveal these breedjects
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>31942470 Would you say Marlon is a twink?
Jesse 2552-4741-4580
>>31942554 Gible, Cubone, Dewpider, Oranguru, Beldum, Petilil, Comfey, Vulpix, Salandit, Grimer, Drampa, Bagon, Torkoal and Mimikyu
All with 5IV and correct natures
>>31942470 >If you're going to choose to be gay, you might as well like something that doesn't have a beautiful, svelte, inspiring figure You keep digging yourself deeper into this hole of shit taste.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>31942591 That was my post btw, forgot to put my name on. I want it to be known that I think you have shit taste. (^:
>>31942565 He's too built to be a twink imo
Jesse 2552-4741-4580
>>31942576 bump, still looking for a HA A-Sandslash
>>31942672 >bumping 3 posts later Anonymous
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>>31942676 fuck i can't count
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looking for HA Nidoran line. [any]
Jesse 2552-4741-4580
>>31942676 I was bumping the thread, nobody had posted in a while
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Daily reminder that aaAAAAAAAAA
>>31942687 That means that the thread is dead and that you need to come back later, not bump your post.
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>31942602 Do you have any favorite characters in the new games?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>31942722 I'm especially fond of Mallow, Acerola, Hapu, Olivia, and Ilima. You?
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>31942756 Ilima, Kiawe, Kukui, Gladion and Hau. Nanu and Faba are funny. I don't really strongly dislike any.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>31942798 I don't dislike any, either. Then again, I can't really think of any main character in Pokemon that I seriously hate.
Jesse 2552-4741-4580
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>31942832 I did find a yt channel with a bunch of theme music.
Urist 0705-6685-6523 Sun
Anyone around that happens to have an Ekans? Don't need anything super special, but a male would make my task easier.
Urist 0705-6685-6523 Sun
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>>31942988 Oh, just found out that a Seel would work too, would just make the breeding chain a bit longer.
>>31942988 Put something on the gts and tell me
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>31942923 Awesome, I'll check out the channel. Thanks!
Hey, is there some kind guy who can gift me an espeed dratini on gen6 games. I don't really care about anything else but this move.
H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
LF: The will to finish Sun FT: Whatever I can bring up from my gen 6 carts
Urist 0705-6685-6523 Sun
>>31943383 Just woke back up. Sorry for the delay.
Threw up a Spinda looking for Ekans, "other languages" message.
>>31944821 Sent a female, only one I had
Urist 0705-6685-6523 Sun
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>>31944876 Fine by me, a little Ditto shuffle is better than having to go through the chain starting with Smeargle.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>31944648 You've been kill for awhile
H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>31945083 Lots of shit happened.
How are you doing Kia?
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
anyone interested in a heavy ball grubbin before I wonder trade my last box away
>>31945397 I'd like one. Should I deposit for one?
>>31945397 >>31945626 Actually I think we're friends so can we trade directly? Gonna need 2 if thats ok
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>31945664 give me a second to come online
just give me anything you have lying around
>>31945688 Thanks for these
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>31945731 thank you as well
didn't even know dream ball alolan vulpix was possible
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>>31945744 Yep. As long as a non-Alola parent isn't holding the stone
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31945397 How can I get a Grubbin?
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>31945764 i think i still have you added
just give me anything you have lying around for it
Matthew 0259-0328-2741
Evening /wfg/. Hope you're all doing well.
LF - Kanto Diglett, Jolly Nature w/ Arena Trap
Might as well jump on the bandwagon now that the boii is back in OU :^) List: Mela 1822-3845-8425
Ken 4656-9816-3746 !o4rUIxHuX6
>>31945796 i can't find you
Mela 1822-3845-8425
H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>31945778 Depending on how long you want to wait, I might be able to help out.
I was breeding level ball Diglett before I quit.
Matthew 0259-0328-2741
>>31945896 Sounds good to me, anything on my list that you're interested in?
H.P. !!lwHnYs+k/Uz
>>31945907 That Beldum in the wonky ball looks cool as fuck.
Also, would you want to trade via Gen 6, or should I get working on transferring a good baby over?
Matthew 0259-0328-2741
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>>31945924 If it's okay with you, could we trade through Gen 7?
One Jolly Beast Ball Beldum coming right up
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>31945148 Lots of shit happened with me as well. I hope you're doing okay.
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>>31944588 if you're still here I can give you one
Matthew 0259-0328-2741
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What's the typical Porygon2 spread that people are using these days? I've noticed it's being used a ton in VGC but don't know what build I should be using in singles. Any help/advice would be appreciated
>>31945924 I've got your Beldum all good to go if you're still here.
Looking for Beast Ball Lunala, Master Ball Shiny Eevee, Korean League Eevee/Pokémon Center Birthday Eevee Anonymous
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>>31946462 For real? Surely this is bait.
Can you miss when you use will-o-wisp on your own pokemon in a double battle?
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
Reminder that Amplify is shit
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
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>>31948078 Indeed, I was just getting super lucky. Since the animation doesn't happen I though maybe it wouldn't check accuracy
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>>31948230 Oh, without a doubt.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31941122 Still trading with ANYONE
Also, best ball for Mudsdale? Just got done training a Salamence and've been meaning to get to Mudsdale to. I've been thinking Friend Ball.
Sabs 1289-9206-6671
Drake Vix 2896-0973-0068
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Anyone got a spare Ability Capsule? I used up mine - but I can get you Starf Berry, Bottle Cap, PP Max or even a Lucarionite.
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>>31948990 Level is great for many ground types
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>>31948990 Level is the only good one
Drake Vix 2896-0973-0068
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>>31948990 I say go for Heavy Ball. It has an awesome animation and it goes well in conjunction with Mudsdale's low speed stat and strong Heavy Slam move.
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
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>>31948553 yo shut the FUCK up
Alex 0130-2087-4822
Sabs 1289-9206-6671
>>31949614 Anything on my list you'd like for that Golett?
Alex 0130-2087-4822
>>31949688 I'd like a love ball Buneary for it.
Sabs 1289-9206-6671
>>31949798 Alright, I'll breed it and add you.
Alex 0130-2087-4822
>>31949938 I finished breeding your Golett, send me a TR when you're ready.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>>31950676 Oh also 5got
Top Priority Wants:
Dive Porygon
Moon Klefki
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Is Repeat Ball Torchic legal? If so, does anyone have it?
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>31950880 It is legal
but I only have dream sorry senpai
Alisa 4055-2740-1434
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Looking for a random egg. I love surprises. I have eggs I can trade, too.
Sabs 1289-9206-6671
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>>31950170 Sorry it took so long, I'm on now
I keep losing in battle tree, anybody got any hacked OP pokemon that they can give me? I just want the ribbon.
>>31951234 yeah I definitely have some hacked Pokemon that I don't want
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>31950902 What version are you on?
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>31951523 Thinking about breeding something that might need endure from the new fire dragon turtle for a forth egg move. I still need to farm the knot though.
>>31951447 what kind of hacked pokemon? Can they beat the battle tree with ease?
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>31951597 Neato. I already have pretty much everything, though but good luck in your endeavors
>>31951635 yeah man, absolutely.
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>31951789 I'm on moon so I can't get the turtle. Would you have even a wild caught male?
Could anyone please send me a lvl 1-10 regenerator tangela On GTS? I have a mimikyu with egg moves up for it for the last couple days and nobody has taken it. My IGN in Yorik. I just really need it for breeding, nothing matters other than it has hidden ability regenerator.
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>>31951234 Get yourself a Mimikyu and a Chomp, that should be enough. Last one can be your favorite
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>>31951839 I've only got ladies sorry
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>human error at battle tree battle 119 due to me not mega'ing Salamence >cost me streak I'll never not be human at this rate...
>>31951889 If you can wait, i'll breed you one.
>>31951969 Yeah, it will probably still be up.
>>31951804 add me buddy, 5172-2023-7479. IGN Lawrence
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>>31952007 dont trade hackmons bro breed your own
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>>31952117 whats your name?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31951975 Can you re-up that Mimkyu?
>>31952233 yes, I just put it up again.
>>31951889 I wonder why you aren't getting any replies.
it's almost like this isn't a thread for hacks
it's almost like there's another thread devoted SPECIFICALLY to hacks, yet your dumb, lazy ass is still here.
>>31952381 are you retarded?
>>31952381 >This thread is for Hacks, Clones, or Injections. There are other threads for those but, come on, you want to post here because of our loving community. Anonymous
>>31952381 Uh, did I imply I wanted hacks? I asked for breeding stock so I can legitimately breed a tangela.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>>31952415 :^) nice job """"ANON""""
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>>31952415 fuck off retard
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>>31952415 How can anon ever recover?
hey everyone, it's tuesday night and it's time for FREE SHIT NOW! Who wans some good stuff? I ogt everything you need. 6iv dittos, whatever legendearies, those alienmons, whatever. I also have extras of all balls and megastones. Just ask!
>>31952446 a machamp with no guard and fissure.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>31952446 Hi Alyssa. No name tonight?
>>31952456 put up a ldyba for a level 100 MALE machamp, champ!
>>31952463 *-h
>>31952474 Hiya, Kia! Never gone by that name. I haven't been around so I'm not up to date on the ephemeral shitposters. Been chatting up the joys of spoofing pokemon go recently. I haven't had a name on consistently for months now. I
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>31952525 sorry for the confusion. Would you like a love ball fossilmon of your choice? I can make it legit shiny hatched by you today
>>31952446 may I have an impish hidden power ice landorus with stealth rocks?
>>31952509 I put a lvl 6 male ledyba, thanks in advance =)
>>31952563 yeah im not familiar with those terms but put it in the showdown format then put a level 9 pikachu on GTS requesting a level 100 female landorus
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>31952548 I'm good, thanks.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31952355 Did you get it?
anybody willing to help me out with this
>>31952631 this isn't a thread for hacks, so no
>>31952631 >IVs: 01/01/00/00/00/00 Anonymous
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
So I think I'm going to try and SR for Lele in Love Ball. I have two of them onhand right now. Should I throw both or SR if one fails?
>>31952658 i don't really care about it's ivs
i wanted a shiny archen and thats it
ive hatched a couple of boxes so far but with no luck
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>>31952676 but its okay, im gonna continue hatching
thanks anyways
>>31952580 Landorus-Therian (f)
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 216 Def / 24 SpD / 16 Spe
Impish Nature
IVs: 30 HP / 30 Def
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- U-turn
thanks, I put up a lvl 5 ladyba, ign is yorik
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
>>31952674 I'd throw both. I'll be SRing for
her in the same ball. Good luck to both of us.
>>31952604 >>31952604 No, I didn't get it. I took it down for the minute, though, I'll put it back up in a minute
Real quick, Freeze-Dry or Ice Beam on Articuno?
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31952703 Go ahead!
>>31952736 Articuno is strapped for coverage as is.
Freeze Dry
Ice Beam
Hidden Power Fire/Ground gets you ok coverage
If you're Agility, just go Freeze Dry. If you'd rather have one ice STAB, make it Freeze-Dry.
>>31952674 >>31952694 >hours trying to catch it with one ball >don't even care about hidden power >had a timid synchronize mon at the front In the end it was
modest Good luck
Larztard 1762-3443-5289
>>31952762 Here's my setup.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>31952798 Modest is pretty good though. I fought Ramsey's on Showdown and it hits really hard, especially with Specs and little Sp. Atk investment, from what he told me.
>>31952801 >Pokeball y i k e s :(
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31952801 Toxic Stall Articuno+Pressure seems sensible enough. I mean, it is an Articuno, may as well get creative.
If you ever feel like you'd much rather be hitting Water types hard AND stalling them, try Freeze-Dry. Otherwise Ice Beam is ok for the power output and whatnot. Personally i'd go Freeze-Dry.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>>31952801 >POKE BALL >OT: ASH Congrats Larztard 1762-3443-5289
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>>31952687 wait a minute, landorus is male only
Larztard 1762-3443-5289
Another question, what item do you guys recommend?
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>Friend Ball >Heavy Ball When does GF get savvy to the REAL wants and let us have our own Dream Ball to use outside of the forest?
Larztard 1762-3443-5289
>>31952893 >Luminous moss. Are you sure? I like the Leftovers idea better.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>>31952922 Don't listen to them
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>>31952891 >Dream Ball That would be beautiful
>>31952762 >>31951889 >>31952233 Hey, I'm trying this again, I put up mimikyu for regenerator tangela
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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if i had a dollar for every three shakes this cunt made
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31953014 I traded SOMEONE for a Tangela.
>>31953069 it was not I, Yorik. My mimikyu is still up.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31953077 Keep an eye on it, let me finish this tree battle.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>>31953084 FINALLY GOT IT
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31953077 I'm on! Can't see it.
>>31953129 I just reupped it.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31953154 I wanna help you, anon, but I can't see it. ;_;
>>31953170 there are no lvl 1 female mimikyu seeking lvl 1-10 tangela?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31953201 Add my FC. We'll trade.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
LF: Quick Ball Drifloon with Tailwind as eggu move FT: Nudes
Larztard 1762-3443-5289
>>31952922 Can someone actually check to see if this Articuno I'm rocking is legit? Apparently it came from Sinnoh and it's Shiny but the ball buster is that it has Perfect IV's. I don't remember where I got it from...
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>31953255 Oh I assumed you got it yourself.
Then yeah it's probably hacked
>>31953261 >>31953213 3282-3048-9291 yorik
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Larztard 1762-3443-5289
>>31953262 FUG me, back to the drawing board for a good workaround against Garchomp.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>31953284 Use literally anything thatl earns ice beamu
>>31953289 I'm there. I don't know how to use it though
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31953300 There's a little wifi button on the bottom right.
Use that to go online.
Larztard 1762-3443-5289
>>31953296 Would you consider an Articuno apparently met from Hoenn hacked? I'm trying to find one that's legit for the next online competition so I can get the mega stones. Also I'm an honest guy that likes to play fair and not cheat
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>>31953305 alright, thanks a lot for that
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>31953326 If you're not going to get shinies yourself just assume everything is hacked
Larztard 1762-3443-5289
>>31953348 I don't care weather it's Shiny or not, I just don't want to get banned.
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>31953237 How do you get tailwind as an egg move?
>>31953379 Then don't use a shittily hacked Articuno?
>>31953389 I'm not. That screenshot was another one I found on Bank
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>>31953382 Move tutor Castform from ORAS
>>31953394 You asked if you could use an Articuno that was found in Hoenn, which is impossible
And you'll most likely need to use Pokemon that were hatched/obtained in Alola since things like a Scizor from Gen 6 was banned in the International Challenge
Larztard 1762-3443-5289
>>31953413 Okay, I was reading the rules on Global Warming and it said that Articuno was allowed so it gave me ideas. I guess the only way to have an Articuno this month is to have it transfered from Gen 1 to get that little Gameboy stamp but I'm just assuming at this point.
Someone else for /vp said that I could use old transfered mons this month too but I guess they were wrong.
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>>31953443 I don't know if Pokemon transferred from VC are legal because I didn't transfer anything from there
But as far as I can tell, anything that doesn't have the Alolan plus/flower or whatever isn't allowed in any official competition
Larztard 1762-3443-5289
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>>31953443 *link Sorry, I'm a retard on mobile with autocorrect
>>31952578 I didnt get my machamp, did i get swindled?
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>>31953551 no, you got what you deserved.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
Okay not as bad as I thought it was going to be time for bed night wiffygee
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !EspUrrm2Vo
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>>31953804 Congratulations. Did you have to use both Love Balls?
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>>31953804 Does it have HP Fire? Drake Vix 2896-0973-0068
Looking for a Jolly HA Gible with Stealth Rock. I can give any Tapu, UB or anything you might want really. Not sure what to offer.
Hikaru 0791-5760-4137
>>31954385 Soo a Gible from Gen VI ? Tapu or UB may be too much for that
Also, Greg and Mela, I'm ready to trade if you're here
Drake Vix 2896-0973-0068
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>>31955030 Well if it's 5IV (and whatever in SpA) then it's really not
I can also offer 5iv breeds
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>>31955030 Are you around?
I have your DBHA mons.
I need a Modest Synchronizer in gen 6. Anybody got one?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
Sup, I need a Regenerator Mareanie to breed, that means that nature and iv´s doesn´t matter. Pdt: Moon is my only pkmn game, so I just could trade for something thats in-game.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>>31956931 I have a shit ton in love ball if you're interested just put a shitmon on the GTS
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
so how do you guys breed in this game? I haven't played since gen4 do you all have japanese dittos or is that not actually as great as it sounds?
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>31957433 Some people use dittos, some people use hex 7, some people just use other people's leftovers as parents. It's not very hard
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does anyone have a spare flash fire cyndaquil ?
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>>31957433 We Google breeding guides.
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>31957458 Basically 7 Pokemon that cover all Egg Groups is what I've seen most people do. I bred mine in my Italian version of OR for maximum Masuda Methoding. There's an image somwhere I don't have on me but it's essentially
>Bulbasaur - Grass/Monster >Magikarp - Dragon/Water 2 >Shellos - Amorphous/Water 1 >Smeargle - Field >Volbeat - Humanlike/Bug >Archen - Flying/Water 3 >Snorunt Fairy/Mineral Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>>31957488 shiet beat me too it will save meow
>>31957488 >>31957498 how do you get them to be foreign though? Buy your own copy of the game online from somewhere else or just ask around?
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>>31957524 With the release of gen 6, setting language meant the language you play in can have different tags. So like I said you can just start a new game in a different language and then you have foreign parents. Since I always get both versions I always play my second cart in italian
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>>31957524 But you could ask around as well lots of people play in different languages
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>>31956842 Bump, I need it for Xerneas. I can't really give anything in return tho
anyone know if storm drain raises special attack by more than one stage if you use water shuriken on it? I was thinking about using a smeargle and gastrodon to do that, I know it works with palossand and greninja but that's a different ability.
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Can anyone check the global link mission with the lady on the plaza? I keep getting errors
Hello! Looking for: A Mew giving: shiny ninetales, perfect IV vulpix/alolan vulpix or other requests.
>>31958412 Just tested it on Showdown
Water Shuriken only hits/activates Storm Drain once
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>>31958756 damn, thanks for testing it though. I might still use it just for the priority +1
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>>31958648 Presuming you only want a legit one?
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Looking for an Ally Switch Ralts or Yamask, anyone has one? In terms of mons with difficult to obtain moves I guess I only have a Self-Destruct Munchlax.
Hey people! i am in need of a 6iv ditto, i have a stufful (nothing special) on the GTS. Names Bosh. Thank you!
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>>31959608 This isnt a thread for hacks
Go away
Luke: 3969- 6216- 1477
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Can anyone help me trade evolve my Porygon into Porygon2?
Looking for: Arceus, Hoopa or Keldeo (preferably from an English game) In exchange I can offer: Mew (x2) Genesect (x2) Liberty Pass Victini (I did use this in game so its EVs are all over the place) Cherish Ball Reshiram Celebi Meloetta Shiny Dialga, Palkia or Giratina from the 2013 distribution Shiny Suicune from the Gamestop Distribution (x2) Darkrai, Manaphy or Shaymin (these are all from back when I was a retarded teenager so they have really dumb all caps nicknames but I figured I might as well list them) HA extremespeed 5IV dratini 4IV counter and aromatherapy Chansey
Anyone got a member of the oshawott line in a lure ball? I almost got a shiny dewott in one from the gts but it was taken. now I want one bad enough to breed my own. I'd also like one in a gen6 game if anyones got it so I could make a hydro cannon samurott.
>>31960448 You wanna offer something?
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31960573 just got back
I got a few things, anything you're looking for?
I have a moon ball oshawott, 6IV moon ball miltank, 6IV lux ball furfrou, dream ball HA charizard, premier ball HA rufflet, premier ball HA mienfoo, and a few random things in moon balls, friend balls, and things like that.
>>31960608 this isnt me
Luke: 3969- 6216- 1477
>>31960600 Would you help me trade evolve my Porygon? I can give you a moon ball Sableye for your trouble
Jayz !JeSter8CDw
Reminder that Amplify is shit
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
Urist 0705-6685-6523 Sun
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Kate: thank you a TON for that Ekans. I've gotten my first Oblivious Female Salandit with Belch now. It's stats suck, but it's a start.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31960981 Oh what else is in those friend/moon balls? I'm interested.
>>31961058 Sure!
Luke: 3969- 6216- 1477
>>31961372 Cool, thank you, i'm getting online now.
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
Zessica, if your on, I have the 3 star ball shop in the plaza that lets you buy like 12 premier balls a day.
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>>31961497 Premiere balls are free with a coupon and the purchase and return of 10 poke balls at the super market just east of the battle royale dome.
>>31961372 friend ball i got a chikorita, snivy i think, crabrawler, maybe some more i can check.
moon i got a lot, sneasel, oshawott, ralts, probably a few more, and i caught a shiny level ball smeargle so i could breed you one if you want. nature is naive.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31961471 I'll get on now. Shoot me an invite!
>>31961586 Oh, wait, i'll take a Moon Ball Miltank!
>>31961652 sure thing, heres my info-
I'll be on in a bit
>>31961652 Thanks for the help with the trade!
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31961835 added im on now btw
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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Multi battles?
>>31962246 i gotta get miltank off bank and retrade you man sry about that.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31962336 i literally have about 100 miltanks from breeding a shiny one, and i put all of them in the bank
Mela 1822-3845-8425
>>31962360 thats ok give me any! so long as its moon ball
>>31962391 thanks a lot! The 6IVs are legit unless you consider 6IV ditto breeding a bad thing. you end up with a few of those after breeding the same thing for so long. About to try for this dewott the same way.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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>>31962436 you bred with a WHAT? wheres that BLACKLIST?
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
Finally got my shiny Oranguru so I have a lot of them to give away to you guys.>Sassy >Love Ball >Telepathy >31/x/31/31/31/0 >Psychic Terrain / Wonder Room / Extrasensory Just respond when you put up a shitmon on the GTS
Sabs 1289-9206-6671
>>31962746 IGN: Sabrina
Depositing a lvl 1 female Purrloin in a Pokeball.
Thanks so much for giving them away!
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
Urist 0705-6685-6523 Sun
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Anyone interested in Belch Salandit males? Some HA, some not.
I have Ralts swarming today. What balls should I catch them in other than Friend?
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
>>31963209 Fast, Heavy, and Level
Only because I have Moon, Love, and Lure already Anonymous
Ramsey 0791-1639-1174 !.Combees2Q
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>>31963308 Who? Anyways I got them in each apricorn ball.
Mela 1822-3845-8425
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Level Ball Finneon, does anyone have?
list: pls gib trade
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
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>>31962746 Fingerbang? I didn't put a shitmon up.
After a month and a half of SR I finally got my Articuno.
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>>31963744 >Bonsly used Sandstorm! Anonymous
Hello! Looking for: A Mew or shiny Mew, any lvl/nature giving: shiny alolan ninetales naive nature decent IV's or perfect IV/timid vulpix/alolan vulpix or other requests.
Sarah 4012 4258 3987
Hello! Posted a few threads ago. Still looking for Team Pink 5* for Festival Plaza, I have Team Purple 3*, Rare Kitchen 5*, and Gold Rush, Trick Room & Friendship Cafe 4* if you want to trade facilities.
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>>31963958 >offering what should be free Fucking jews
>>31959894 Dunno if you're still around. I have all 3 of those from last year's events on my 4 different carts. I'm interested in the shiny giratina. Are they all originals or cloned?
>>31963911 I have a mew from last year's distribution on ORAS. Can't remember the nature. But if you're around in 6 hours after I'm done with work I'll trade it for the shiny. Does the shiny have any egg moves?
>>31964413 They're all the originals
>>31964532 That's great. As are mine.
Well if you're interested in trading I won't be home from work till about 15:30 GMT. But I'll come back to the thread and find you.
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>>31964548 Sure, that'll work, thanks!
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>>31964440 I might be online at that time, but i'm not sure. Sorry i just traded the ninetales to a friend. Would you take a shiny Feebass? I can also give you a genesect?