>>31964137 Relatively new to shiny hunt and holy shit how do you have the patience to hunt for shiny FEMALE Salandit
Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
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>What are you hunting for? Not decided yet, taking suggestions. >What method are you using? MMing>For how long? My last hunt took 960 eggs for non-HA Eevee and 160 for the HA one. >SC? Yes>Favorite pink shiny? Moltres and Politoed.
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
>>31964280 I don't know if it's just patience more like recklessness and autism. But even if it takes 200 more boxes I'll not give up.
If only I had this wild determination in real life... Chanizu 4382-1959-5519
>>31964301 Best of luck to you, Alex.
I don't look forward hunting that myself.
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
>>31964311 Thanks a lot mate! Best of luck to you too.
Madara 4356-4179-4662
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>What are you hunting for? Shiny male gible >What method are you using? Masuda Method>For how long have you been hunting? A while now i stopped at hatched a shiny feebas now im back to gible>Do you have the shiny charm? Yes>Favorite pink shiny? Magmortar
Madara 4356-4179-4662
>>31964350 Goodluck gettin your shiny female . i know you'll get it soon . you motivate me to go for one.
Shiny Living Dex Anon
>tfw you're on a 2.5 week drought 442/802 still, unfortunately.
>>31964463 Make a page on pokedextracker so we can see.
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>>31964137 I am suddenly reminded of Combee dude
>>31964137 I'm about to start hunting for a shiny female Popplio. Don't know what to hunt for next but I'm sure I'll come up with something.
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>>31964651 Good luck, sucks it can only be in a pokeball.
>>31964137 >What are you hunting for? Shiny Dratini
>What method are you using? Softresetting
>For how long have you been hunting? 2 weeks/16290 soft resets
>Do you have the shiny charm? No
>Favorite pink shiny? Cradily
>What are you hunting for? Shiny Charmander. I already have a shiny charizard but decided to breed another one to be charizard Y and get it in a better ball. >What method are you using? masuda method>For how long have you been hunting? Since yesterday night. just 65 eggs in>Do you have the shiny charm? Nope>Favorite pink shiny? Swampert
>>31964840 In what game/how are you SRing?
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
>>31964418 Thanks. Are you MM-ing it?
>>31964986 Most likely HGSS
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
>>31965032 I've lived through that 8 times. I've been 'lucky" in terms of shiny odds but I have the worst RNG.
>What are you hunting for? Shiny Max IV alolan vulpix>What method are you using? Masuda Method>For how long have you been hunting? a week ish, got it in box 11>Do you have the shiny charm? no
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>>31965137 box 11 of 5/6 and 6/6 perfect vulpix only btw, it has snow warning too^^ about 1100~ eggs
Plamen 4742-9686-1955
I got this cutie last
night.It was a pretty fast hunt (34 SOS encounters).
Anyone with Combee in their FS?I really want a shiny Vespiquen...
Plamen 4742-9686-1955
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>>31965398 Evolve it and name it Russian Pride
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
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>>31965925 Tapus-4
Cosmog line-4
Yep those are 18. That's way more than I though.
Do not do what I have done.
It is cute and it will function nicely on my mono-ice team, but SRing for the proper DVs in gen 1 is hell.
>>31966505 >>31966526 How do you do this? Like how did you know those DVs give you a shiny?
>>31966572 A spread of x/10/(2,3,6,7,10,13,15)/10/10 guarantees a shiny on transfer to bank. Usual 1/8k chance.
>>31966586 I know that, but how do you know the DVs from those stats? Is there a calculator or something?
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
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>>31966505 >>31966526 Absolute madman like me
>>31966566 Congrats
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>>31965086 I went hunting for a male salandit specifically once.
ended up getting nowhere and gave up.
it's still on the list, but eh.
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>>31964137 >What are you hunting for? Competitive Shiny Shelmet
My friend is doing Karrablast
>What method are you using? Masuda Method
>For how long have you been hunting? I've been going at it since yesterday but I haven't bothered to count yet
>Do you have the shiny charm? Of course
>Favorite pink shiny? Dragonair
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>>31964137 >What are you hunting for? Shiny Bounsweet starting later today.
>What method are you using? Masuda Method, just need to get Play Rough on one(and a solid amount of 31 IVs, the less Bottle Caps I have to use, the better) first.
>Do you have the shiny charm? Yes I do.
>Favorite pink shiny? Tie between Jumpluff and Furret.
has anyone here tried the magikarp exploit for MM, curious if it works
>>31966837 it does work, yeah.
it didn't feel much faster to me though.
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>>31966624 I used , it has a DV repository for any given kantomon at any given level.
Based !ViVASFa0..
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>What are you hunting for? Magikarp. I'll swap Females into Togepi if it rolls an 8, God willing. Gible or Ferroseed if Togepi ends up being male Male shiny means I swap in A-Muk or Gligar. Maybe Eevee for Vaporeon>What method are you using? Masuda Method and Magikarping>For how long have you been hunting? Like for the next shiny? I'm only 6 boxes in>Do you have the Shiny Charm? Duh>Favorite pink Shiny? Ampharos and Jumpluff
Based !ViVASFa0..
>>31966837 Absolutely, it works. It's a godsend. I couldn't imagine hatching 100 Beldum eggs over 1000 Magikarp eggs
>>31966860 It's literary the fastest way to a shiny, though. How in the heck did you think it was slow?
>>31967187 because it took more time than my average hunt. more eggs, more time, more bother.
that's probably just bad luck on my end though.
Based !ViVASFa0..
>>31967242 Exactly. You just had a bad seed, is all. My worst was 2250 eggs. The fastest was in the 100s. It's all luck. Keep at it
>What are you hunting for? Shiny Magnemite>What method are you using? Karp-swapping+MM>For how long have you been hunting? A few weeks on and off, but I haven't been counting boxes since I only did 3-4 at a time. Just put a bunch of shitmons in Pokemon bank though, freeing up my storage, so I might actually keep track now.>Do you have the shiny charm? Yes>Favorite pink shiny? Ampharos, I bred a fabulous dream ball male back in Gen 6
Based !ViVASFa0..
>>31967325 You going for HP Fire? I can never get the proper IV roll for swapping into a Magnemite
>Male Pink Ampharos My condolences
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>>31967262 I'm prepping some good breeding fodder now, and then I'll take a spin on the karp ride later.
kitty 1306 8186 5575 !imtbhAFFq2
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>What are you hunting for? oddish>What method are you using? mm>For how long have you been hunting? just started>Do you have the shiny charm? si>Favorite pink shiny? ice cream cone
Looking for Steel and Ice type Friend Safari for my hunts, anybody got them? 3969-8977-9930
Plamen 4742-9686-1955
Wow,I forgot how annoying the Pokéradar was.I actually missed the first shiny patch,so I kept resetting until I got a second one.I might get Goomy or Shelmet tomorrow.
>>31968016 >tfw on 23 chain >just ends for no reason You have the patience of a saint anon, I ditched using the radar very quickly.
>>31968039 Uhm,this guy
>>31965086 has the patience of a saint,I'm actually not a patient man tbqh.The Pokeradar isn't THAT hard to work with,but it's annoying when you have to reset 5+ times to get a decent patch of grass.
>>31968125 It's pretty hard, especially since they plopped in the whole "ends for no reason" thing. It goes without saying that people who go for Vespiquen or Salazzle have patience, but I'd place that at a higher order than saint. Maybe like a monk who fasts for 22 years.
Plamen 4742-9686-1955
Shit,I forgot to write my name on this post
>>31968125 >>31968174 Getting Salazzle or Vespiquen isn't actually that hard as long as you have a male Cute Charm lead.Hatching a female shiny Salandit/Combee on the other hand is a complete nightmare.I tried to MM for a female Combee back in AS and I nearly lost my sanity.
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>>31968297 That's what I mean though. Salazzle is unusable unless it is hatched, since two or three of the crucial moves for it are egg moves. I have an SOS Salazzle, it was easy as pie. But it's unusable.
>What are you hunting for A shiny Wingull>What method are you using Masuda's wild ride: rodeo clown edition>How long have you been hunting I'm only 3 boxes in so far>Do you have the shiny charm Yes>Favorite pink shiny Vaporeon
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>>31968501 >A shiny Wingull Anonymous
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>What are you hunting for? Giratina in Platinum>What method are you using? SR>For how long have you been hunting? Off and on for months. Currently on 6413rd reset. Don't have Bide on my Empoleon so I'll have to use a Master Ball instead.>Favorite pink shiny? Jumpluff
>Power leveling a few new pokemon to use for my online teams >Shiny Bewear out of nowhere >My face when Got a pretty good nature but obviously since it wasnt chained its IVs are bad.
>What are you hunting for? Giratina in Platinum>What method are you using? SR>For how long have you been hunting? Off and on for months. Currently reset 6413. Don't have Bide on my Empoleon so I'll have to use a Master Ball instead.>Favorite pink shiny? Jumpluff
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>>31968617 >Full odds gen 4 Shiny hunting my nigga
Best of luck to you!
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>>31968612 Still nice when it happens. I'm still amazed that I just happened to come across a shiny Teddiursa in SoulSilver a few weeks back.
>what are you hunting? I'm dual hunting Numel and smeargle right now>method? Horde hunting for numel, SOS for smeargle>How long have you been hunting? Since yesterday for this hunt. Overall, about 2 years.>favorite pink shiny? Ampharos. I already have a shiny smeargle, but it's in Platinum and I'd rather just hunt another one for use in sun and moon.
Shiny Living Dex Anon
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>>31964623 Sorry for the late reply. Making it right now.
>>31967782 3 and a half hours on this fucking grassfield and still no green pasta monster or glowy ivysaur
>>31964137 Why would anyone try to MM for a shiny female Salandit/Combee in gen 7 and NOT use swap breeding? You could have had 8 other shinies instead of 8 useless shiny male Salandits, AND you could be hatching eggs 4 times faster.
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>>31967349 Yep. I've got ideal parents for breeding, but the first shiny Magikarp I rolled wouldn't work. Thank god for swapping.
Shiny Living Dex Anon
Here we go: >tfw doesn't have an Exploud for some reason Anonymous
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>>31969366 My only Shiny in the FS was after 1284 REs
Keep going anon
Shiny Living Dex Anon
>>31969967 I've been hunting since 2013 but it doesn't seem like I've obtained a lot.
>>31970099 oh, it's only 449 individual shinies. that's not much at allllll.
seriously though, that's a lot of shinies.
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>What are you hunting for? Type: Null>What method are you using? SR>For how long have you been hunting? I think maybe 6 weeks on and off.>Do you have the shiny charm? Yes>Favorite pink shiny? Dragonair
Shiny Living Dex Anon
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>>31970291 All together, with my extras, I have 595, which I'd like to get rid of.
how do you guys MM in sun and moon without totally destroying your circle pad?
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>>31970420 I just sorta circle lazily outside the ranch, in the space between the daycare, the daycare lady, and the autism box.
doesn't seem to have done my circlepad any harm.
Oscar 5386-7761-9897
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Hunting for shiny female ralts masuda method 1/2 box so far, just started today shiny charm being used
was just breeding a decent parent for future 'karp swapping, when I got this little blighter. only took 29 eggs, which is pretty fukkin' neato (also McFucking Kill Yourself Tier, according to the chart) and, it's also the great-grandson of my original gen III starter, which is all the neater. today has been a good day.
>>31964137 >What are you hunting for? Nothing right now, I'm going for Feebas in a couple days though.
>What method are you using? Good old Masuda.
>For how long have you been hunting? My last one, Purrloin, took 1742 eggs.
>Do you have the shiny charm? Who doesn't?
>Favorite pink shiny? Mienshao looks great.
Breeding for a shiny vespiquen. I got 2 shiny male combees. What's the best nature for vespiquen? I went through calm and impish breeds, but smogon suggests timid. Is "Beelzebub" a pretty good nickname
>>31970846 >and, it's also the great-grandson of my original gen III starter, which is all the neater. >Luxury Ball So you actually hacked the dad or the grandpa?
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>>31970885 Beelzebub is usually depicted as male in fiction and is associated with flies, but yeah it works.
Just go for Timid, it needs the speed. Also use cute charm instead, it's not going to do much for you in combat even with egg moves.
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>>31970909 it was possible to get a gen III starter in a luxury ball via dream world in gen V. the downside is that they were male only.
however, in gen VII, it became possible for males to pass down balls in same-species breeding.
I got a luxury ball mudkip, bred with ditto in gen VII 'til I got a female, bred that with my original swampert, and then bred the result with ditto for natures, IVs, etc.
it was convoluted, but it worked.
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>>31970909 Dream world events bruh
Remember, dream world pokemon didn't have to be caught in dream balls, you could use any ball you wanted.
>>31968824 Well its not numel, but I'm not complaining.
>>31971105 you must never evolve it
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
>>31971116 there is wisdom here.
heed it.
>want to swap breed to get a shiny litten >HA still not available
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>>31970846 whoops, I meant great-great grandson.
I swapped out parent a few times to up the IVs.
got all but the defenses, which I'll have to bottlecap.
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
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>>31971146 I hear ya brother I want to hunt for the starters just as badly
Shiny Living Dex Anon
Finally have Exploud, bringing my total to 450.
>>31965023 Yes i am its taking longer than normal to get it
>>31971300 congrats.
I'm gonna go for a whismur at some point. it's the only shiny that's ever gotten away from me.
(well, that, a fomantis and two shuppet. but I fixed those eventually)
Shiny Living Dex Anon
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>>31971337 Good luck man. I had that same experience with a Nidorino in the FireRed Safari Zone around 2008 by accident.
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
>>31971323 Good luck man your gonna need it.
>What are you hunting for? Shiny Chikorita, planning on going for Larvitar next>What method are you using? Masuda Method>For how long have you been hunting? A week and a half, on and off>Do you have the shiny charm? Well yeah>Favorite pink shiny? Ribombee, it was one of the first I went for too. Does swap breeding work for fathers other than Ditto? My international Ditto are both pretty shitty but I have this 4IV Japanese Gible I was thinking of using, since it can breed with both Magikarp and Larvitar.
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Is it better to continuously hatch eggs while breeding more eggs, or is it better to breed several boxes of eggs the take them out 5 at a time to hatch? I've never bred for shinys before
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>>31965398 That's what I'm currently MM breeding.
>>31964137 I know it isn't but can someone please remind me that Kyurem isn't shiny locked in White 2. I'm losing my sanity after 2 weeks of SRing.
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>>31970871 Good luck on your shiny feebas i love my shiny milotic even thoe its male
>>31972056 it is not friend, be strong
Madara 4356-4179-4662
>>31971433 Thanks your right i do need it. I hope i get it soon. Its taking forever
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
>>31972174 I know the feel I'm currently 125 boxes deep in the hunt...
Do you watch Natsume Yuujinchou? Anonymous
>>31964137 are the shiny males good ivs/nature? id actually love one for LC
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
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>>31972367 Sure you can have one but I don't think any of them are perfect. I could check and also see if any has a useful hidden power.
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
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>>31972367 OK so I checked. One has HP Grass but horrible Spatk another has HP Ice but meh def and one is almost perfect with fantastic Spdef but useless hidden power. So take your pick.
>What are you hunting for? Shiny HA Trubbish>What method are you using? So many fucking eggs>For how long have you been hunting? I dunno, since the middle of february. Pic related happened and I almost cried>Do you have the shiny charm? Yea>Favorite Pink shiny? Wailord, it's too damn big and it's great
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
>>31972582 I know it "stinks" man but you gotta keep going. I'm always afraid to make a mon that needs its HA too.
Sorry I couldn't resist Anonymous
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Apparently I've hatched 1582 eggs, and still no MM shiny. Sigh.
>>31972253 Im praying for you am your ivory lizard my friend. But nope it is a good anime?
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
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>>31972820 Yes. It's really comfy and feely. I just though because of your name.
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>>31972670 I'm hatching 6 boxes I've filled over the week between my breaks right now
That's for the support, OP
Plamen 4742-9686-1955
I got this Goomy on encounter #40 with the Pokéradar.I am going to keep resetting the radar until I get 2 more.
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
>>31973206 Sweet. Didn't you use a synchronizer?
Plamen 4742-9686-1955
Plamen 4742-9686-1955
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Fuck,my finger slipped and I entered a bad patch of grass and broke the chain.I really wanted those Goomy!
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>>31972165 Thank you anon, you give me the strength to fight on.
>Where are you hunting? X>What are you hunting for? Shiny Beldum>What method are you using? Masuda Method>For how long have you been hunting? 3 weeks with 82 FUCKING BOXES>Do you have the shiny charm? Yes>Favorite pink shiny? Ampharos Am I doing something wrong? Wtf? I'm unironically close to ripping my hair out and at this point I don't want to switch out the parents to reset the RNG because of the gnawing thought of "Maybe the next one!". Jesus Christ I'm not even looking for good iv', just a trophy shiny. Send help
>>31974192 maybe try 'karp swap in sun/moon?
>>31974192 Beldum specifically or are evolutions fine? You might have better luck in the friend safari.
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>>31974234 I don't have shiny charm on S/M
>>31974269 I'm looking for Beldum in specific
Shiny Living Dex Anon
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
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>>31973953 Congrats
>>31974339 Nice. That's the first shiny I ever got.
Fucking Friend Safari, I've been doing this for hours and still nothing
Plamen 4742-9686-1955
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I wanted a shiny Wartortle :(
>What are you hunting for? Usable Mareanie>What method are you using? Masuda Method>For how long have you been hunting? 14 boxes, 2 days off and on. Got 2 so far, one had the HA but only decent def and pretty good sp def the other had better stats but no HA. Hope to get it today though on my day off.>Do you have the shiny charm? Yes>Favorite pink shiny? Ribombee, also like toxapex, thats why I'm hunting it now.
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
>>31974692 Why don't you use a bottle cap on the regenerator one?
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>>31974710 If today doesnt work out thats the plan.
>>31974568 Seriously I've been here for like 8 hours now. What the fuck gives
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Im so fucking done. this is my 130th box. of FUCKING Torchic. No shiny so far. God fuck why is this even a thing. why is my luck so nonexistant. the eevee´s took me less than this shit. the ralts too. and i had to breed two shinys for the one i wanted.
>What are you hunting for? Shiny Minior>What method are you using? Masuda Method/ Hatching eggs via Pelago glitch>For how long have you been hunting? 40 boxes in>Do you have the shiny charm? Yes, this is the longest hunt though so far with it though. Kill me now T_T>Favorite pink shiny? Ribombee, which was my last shiny. Male though. Again kill me now.
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>>31975085 Nearing 10. What the actual fuck
>>31969385 Yeah
I did this for my Shiny Primarina too and it didn't take that long.
>caught several shinies in sun so far >even hatched a shiny swinub by pure chance >all long before getting a shiny charm >being masuda'ing with a shiny charm since Wednesday for a shiny beldum and have gotten jack shit
>>31976232 just swap breed lmao
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>>31976562 10/10 nickname, friendo!
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>>31976087 breddy gud, the blonde hair looks really nice!
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>>31976541 Yes, it should work
People only suggest using s Ditto since it works with all Pokemon
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>>31976087 I got lucky and my second shiny Popplio was female.
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>>31976369 >implying I haven't. It still takes fucking forever for a successful shiny roll
12 hours in friend safari end my life
Based !ViVASFa0..
Man, I wish I could spend 12 hours straight hatching shinies Sucks being a normie sometimes
>>31977147 seems like you're not so based after all
Based !ViVASFa0..
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>>31977196 Yeah, I did away with the whole love for Lil B like a year ago when he dwindled down and didn't release much for long stretches of time
I am pretty blessed, though
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OP tell me you didn't store the 8 shiny salandits (male) and swapped for something else.
>>31976562 10/10 nickname
>What are you hunting for? Onix since Steelixite is coming out soon>What method are you using? Friend Safari>For how long have you been hunting? I just started>Do you have the shiny charm? Yep>Favorite pink shiny? Mawile and Magmortar, both of which I have
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Just got a shiny Larvesta by breeding, and a shiny Mudbray by happenstance in the grass nearby. So, that's pretty damn good. The Mudbray is even Adamant, so that's very much a plus. Unfortunately, the Larvesta is missing 3 IVs, so that's some bottle caps down the drain, but w/e, it's all good. Only took 5 boxes, so I'm willing to take subpar IVs and less bottle caps in exchange for hours/days of time.
>>31977116 I feel your pain. Just broke 2000 encounters on my safari hunt.
Based !ViVASFa0..
>>31977947 Coming out soon? Is this a certainty other than "Yeah, it'll drop sometime in 2017"?
>>31978486 Boy....
>>Registration will be open from March 9th at 00:00 UTC to March 16th 23:59 UTC and battles will run from March 17th through March 19th. All entrants will get the Pidgeotite and Steelixite Mega Stones. its literally a few weeks.
and all the other mega stones will be ours BEFORE summer. BEFORE.
meaning around may/june.
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>>31978207 at 2100 now
do shinies even exist?
i have to sleep, fuckmylife
CAN I FIX IT WITHOUT BOTTLE CAPS? I mean, it was via masuda, both parents are froakie and the father is japanese. I saved before starting to breed and this hatched like at th 20th egg, if I give the father power lens instead of the everstone, the shiny will hatch with sp.atk iv? Supossing that this is like having the magikarp and the ditto instead.
Based !ViVASFa0..
>>31978627 I'd honestly just swap in a Pokemon who could benefit from those IVs while keeping the Male Froakie as is. You get rid of the Destiny Knot, the Shiny disappears
>>31978550 Ohhh, my bad. Missed out on that part
>>31978689 But the mother, the non-foreign one, has the destiny knot, then it means I can't even swap, right?
Based !ViVASFa0..
>>31978720 When it comes to swapping, the Mother should always be holding the Everstone
Yeah, you're boned
All of this time wasted when you could just inject your perfect Shone, battle with it then go on to play other games and other things that are fun. I kick myself now for all the time I spent as a Breedcuck. Truly, Injectors are the master race of this garbage board.
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>>31978798 dude... your post is freaking epic....
1500 eggs with MM and Shiny Charm, 2 months and still no shiny Froakie
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>>31978798 ebin post xD upvoted
It has different ivs but the ditto is modest, so it hatched modest instead!
>>31978903 It also rerolled the ability, the previous had protean, this has torrent
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>>31978923 That's unfortunate
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>>31978923 just reset and keep the original seed, caps aren't hard to come by.
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
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>>31978843 I remember the hell that was getting mine. around 5 weeks.
>>31978798 xD :^) ;-P lel äpic! Wow!
>>31964651 Trying to hatch this is going to bring up bad memories when I get to it. I had to restart 40 times just to get female for my play-through, I wish it was gender locked female.
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
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>>31979480 ITs GF, what do you expect? People would asume eevee had a rather feminine gender because of all the cute eevelutions and the fact that its a fucking cute, fluffy desertfox...WÜSTENFUCHS ROMMEL...
but no, fuck you, 87,5% male.
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>>31964137 >the first shiny Salandit I found was female Such a great feeling.
Right now I'm trying to get a shiny Arbok in a Luxury Ball. Need to get an Ekans in that ball first though, so I can start breeding.
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
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>>31969385 I'm sorry I just can't do it for 2 main reasons. First I just hate it fucking with RNG is just cheap and second it's just my style because I like collecting a lot of eggs and then hatching them while saving a lot of times and my reflexes are just used to work that way and by that I mean once I start collecting after a while I do it involuntarily same as hatching.
>>31964137 chained my first magikarp and it wasn't the right nature.
if i have a jolly abra with synchronize when i start the battle, then swap and chain with a smeargle, any future chain encounter should be jolly right?
Based !ViVASFa0..
>>31980224 The Abra always has to be on the field if you want that 50/50 shot at the right nature
>>31980272 ah thanks. if i soft reset will i see the shiny again in the same amount of encounters?
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>>31980354 I don't think so
Shiny Living Dex Anon
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>tfw you just want shinies of favorites and basically never use them I just like a ton of pokemon
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
It's been 35 boxes since my last shiny I'm losing my patience.
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
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>>31981612 I secretly hope its a male for banters sake Anonymous
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>>31981628 Good on you dud. Like legit, well done!
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
>>31981628 Nothing a bottle cap can't fix. I haven't been this happy for a long time
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>>31981654 >150 boxes Holy fuck, dude. Congrats! You goddamn earned it
Shiny Living Dex Anon
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>>31981628 >tfw Masuda took away your luck Anonymous
Any hints on hunting for shiny Lapras un sun/moon? Perish song is making it impossible to chain.
>>31981628 >20 boxes a day >that means 600 eggs hatched I mean congratulations and all, but are you employed in anything?
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>>31982144 Breed a Misdreavus with Imprison
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
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>>31982167 I'm in college but this week I was on break.
I regret ever stepping foot in this fucking friend safari At 2500, soon I'd be better off with a fucking random encounter
>>31982308 2632 encounters and it's the one I least wanted of the 3
it's fine though, I can finally get off this fucking ride
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>What are you hunting for? Shiny Totodile/Chikorita/Cyndaquil>What method are you using? Softresetting>For how long have you been hunting? 1000+ soft resets>Do you have the shiny charm? No>Favorite pink shiny? Cradily
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>What are you hunting for? Houndour >What method are you using? MMing>For how long? Just started, after getting my green-eyed butterfree >SC? Yes>Favorite pink shiny? Mudkip is nice I suppose
First time chain fishing, can I close the lid during the chain?
>>31983750 I already regret this shit, broken 2 chains now
>>31975739 YES!!! Got it on the 42nd box. HP isn't the best, but nothing a bottle cap can't fix.
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
Started my next hunt: Morelull. Feels so weird seeing something other than Salandit hatch. But I'm glad the ride is over.
>>31984214 Congrats man that's one of the best SM shinies.
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
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>>31984293 A big congrats to you for your domizard.
im still stuck on my chicks.
i hate my life.
>>31983847 Yes you can, it doesn't break the chain.
Not the most relevant place to ask perhaps but I'm sure you guys know your stuff about breeding - How do I breed non-alolan babies? I want to breed a nice, normal dugtrio - do I need to get one from a previous gen? Will its babies be alolan?
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
>>31984694 Non-alolan parent + everstone = non-alolan child.
so yes, you need a hairless Digda.
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
This day keeps delivering
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
>>31984731 dont tell me....
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
>>31984739 Shit I forgot the pic
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
>>31984750 >>31984757 Give me some luck senpai!
>>31984757 Man I really wish I could get a destiny knot.
Also congratz
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>>31984554 Cool.
I already got my first, shit was easy and fast
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
>>31984766 want me to give you one? i have a few spare BP i dont need (For now)
>>31984717 Cool, thanks. Does that stay true when using ditto?
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
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>>31984789 if i remember correctly yes.
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>>31984783 Nah it's cool, but thanks for the offer m8.
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
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>>31984765 >>31984766 Damn haven't been this lucky in a while got it on my 5th box. I still have 5 more boxes to hatch but still
Shiny Living Dex Anon
Shiny Living Dex Anon
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And 454/802. This is my 600th shiny, not including any shinies I've given away, which would be over 620.
>>31982553 I know your pain, man
I was hunting for a Larvesta and found 7 shiny Growlithes and 2 shiny Fletchinders before getting my warm bug
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>>31986554 Fortunately I got a shiny on my 34th fish encounter after that and just got a Gabite from Safari after 244
I just can't stop
Shiny Living Dex Anon
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455/802. 3rd today, and Mudbray is next.
>>31964137 >>What are you hunting for? Shiny Eevee, to catch in a Master Ball and complete my Eeveeball collection
>>What method are you using? SOS
>>For how long have you been hunting? Since Friday, but keep losing the chain to stupid mistakes when not paying attention/frustration. Finally having success/getting a comfortable rhythm with Virizion with false swipe, Magic Leaf to cut through the sand, leftovers, switching the caller every time I use up all the PP, then recharging with leppa berries.
>>Do you have the shiny charm? >Yes Shiny Living Dex Anon
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>>31987356 Good luck my dude.
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>>31968617 >7000 resets fuuuuuuck
Please let me get this thing before I go over odds.
Fucking 10 minutes after i started!!!! Also on the same game that i got shiny totodile in around the same amount of time.
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>>31988644 Nice! I got a shiny Chikorita after resetting for like half an hour
Shiny Living Dex Anon
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>>31968824 Day 5 of smeargle hunting. i am currently sitting at 2133 SOS calls. i have lost any shred of hope i had when i started this hunt. i have a growing desire to just kill the shiny out of rage whenever i get it. save me bros
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>>31988644 Congrats, anon! It looks great!
Shiny Living Dex Anon
191 calls later, I finally got this. What ball between Repeat and Quick should I use?
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>>31964981 Just hatched my charmander! 452 eggs so the habit of hunts not going over 500 eggs continues. and it's a female too which is pretty cool.
was a fun rehunt, will be nice to have a charizard I don't need to throw 5 bottle caps at to use plus I can use her in ratings battles.
Shiny Living Dex Anon
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>>31988872 Got' em. I shall be going for Dewpider, Morelull and Bounsweet next.
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>What are you hunting for? Shiny Scyther>What method are you using? Masuda Method>For how long have you been hunting? ...Days. I don't keep much of a count.>Do you have the shiny charm? Not yet, no
>>31977947 Well, it's not what I was looking for but why not
She's the second shiny Rhydon I have
Too bad the sync didn't work so she's Sassy but that isn't the worst Shiny Living Dex Anon
>>31989126 Looks like you got yourself a Rhyperior.
>>31989145 Sounds about right
If I get a shiny Rhyhorn then I'd have the full line
Shiny Living Dex Anon
>>31989183 If you need a Protector I can help you out.
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>>31989242 I'm good, thank you.
I probably won't transfer her until I find my Onix
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I wish to god there was a way to give Hidden Abilities to pokemon caught in 4th Gen. Beyond that, he's the best Fearow you could possibly ask for... which means fuck all.
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Shiny hunting Groudon on SS. Very fucking focused right now.
Based !ViVASFa0..
>>31989980 Why not OR?
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>>31990045 Box legends are shiny locked in OR
what did you accomplish this weekend /shw/?>Rockruff >Carbink >Bonsly all through SOS in S/M
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>>31990221 Growlithe, Seaking, Gabite
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So I've been using the Masuda Method, but I haven't been hatching anywhere near as many eggs as some others ITT; I only just realised that having the party/box setting for where pokémon are sent on auto instead of manual would speed the process up. What else might I be doing wrong that could be slowing things down?
Shiny Living Dex Anon
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>>31990221 Exploud, Spearow, Metapod, Yungoos, Grubbin, Cutiefly and Mudbray. On 95 SOS encounters for Dewpider now so this'll be a late get hopefully. Good taste in Rockruff and Carbink, btw.
>hatch some Eevee to complete the Aloladex >get a shiny Eevee >hatch some HA Beldum after hatching some pre-evos for Aloladex >get a shiny HA Beldum, less than twenty eggs after Eevee What the fuck, where was this luck in the past fifteen years?
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
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>>31990221 nothing. stupid torchic wont hatch im so fking mad.
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>>31990221 2 Floatzel from hordes. They join another tha I caught a few months ago. Still no joy with Type: Null.
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
Holy shit where did all this luck come from?
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
>>31992997 5IV even holy shit
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
>>31993030 >>31992997 [Jealousy intensifies]
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
>>31993489 Didn't you get your Torchic? How many boxes have you hatched?
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
>>31993634 just got onto box 144....
Not even Satania´s christmas rumble could help me...
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
>>31993931 >11 Wtf man that's so unlucky. I wish you the best of luck.
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
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>>31994181 >>31994192 somehow i think that the shiny rate for starters is halfed.
though i never seem to have luck, except for the two-box gible i hatched back in oras.
which was a mistake while getting a penta-HA-one.
well, the worst part is im running out of animes to watch.except for the weekly stuff who is even up to an hour per day i start to run low. last one i can watch is Sekirei (read the manga up to 2/3, wanna see if its good as anime too).
My Hunt is Suffering. SUFFERING.
>>31993931 Damn, that's rough. I used to masuda hunt most of my shinies until I hunted my spiritomb which took over 400 boxes.
It took me three days to release them all once I got it.
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
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>>31994355 i put them into bank for now for free fking BP.
though i startet recently to do that. before that i was releasing them after collecting a box.
1 box off eggs -> 1 box of mons - Release them at once
it takes longer, but i dont want a fuckton of eggs to breed if i get my shiny at the beginning at a box.
>>31994355 >three days to release them all Why do you fill a shit ton of boxes at once?
I just hatch 30, release them, and then fill it up again with the box name being the total hatched so far.
A whole lot better than releasing 1000+ pokes at a single time.
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
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>>31994388 Mein Afroamkerianischer Freund mit Migrationshintergrund
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after probably my longest hunt of over a 1000(mantine) , now 6th egg... so awesome
Shiny Living Dex Anon
Daily reminder that Alex is secretly Masuda.
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
>>31994599 /shw/ - Alex wild ride edition when?
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for anyone interested
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
>>31994599 >>31994642 Anons I just...
believe in Satania Slaine 1092-0419-2233
>>31994840 I believe in
GABU-CHAN Anonymous
What's the>shortest time it took you to hatch a shiny >longest time it took you to hatch a shiny
>>31994860 >shortest time 20 eggs
>longest time 15 years
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
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>>31994860 2 boxes gible by accident
145 and counting for torchic, second longest was eevee with 118 (the ones after shinys too) and the 99 with ralts.
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
>>31994875 >shortest time 5 eggs
>longest time 150 literally the Salandit I just got yesterday
>>31994875 >15 years Are you OK? What were you hunting for?
>>31994852 Gabu is boring. But in all honesty I guess I got Masuda's blessing or something. I've been really REALLY lucky with shiny hunting in SM.
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>>31994929 >What were you hunting for? Anything, really. I never had a legit shiny in all that time.
>>31994860 >shortest Ralts at 29 eggs in Y (by accident, was trying to get one with a Modest nature for Synchronize)
>longest Skitty at 1,097 eggs in X
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
>>31994929 Gabu is the same as my GF, except for the wings.
and the blonde hair, shes a brunette.
but they are both lazy, game-addicted bum. but i still love her because
im the same >>31994953 but dianthias ralts is modest
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>>31994860 Only gotten shinies via random encounters and chaining, currently trying to hatch Chikorita but it's not looking good.
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
>>31994961 Good for you man cherish her. Here's some cute Satania to boost your luck.
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
>>31995047 todays episode was awesome.
drunk gabu is the cutest thing on heaven, earth an hell.
Shiny Living Dex Anon
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>>31994860 Accidental penta Bulbasaur in X and non-HA male Vulpix in 3 eggs for the shortest (second Vulpix came 7 eggs later, but still no HA and male) in Alpha Sapphire.
Longest MM was off-and-on for about 4 months with Heatmor taking about 1,600 eggs in Omega Ruby and Carbink taking more than 1,900 eggs in Alpha Sapphire.
All of these games have the Shiny Charm.
Anyone keep track of how many soft-resets they do? This is mine, and the latter are put-off projects due to MMing and other hunting.
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
>>31995070 It was except for the Satania bullying. That dog crossed the line. Vigne bullying was fine she's so sweet really would make a 10/10 wife.
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>>31994388 I guess I just forget about the ones I've hatched already. Either that or I'm retarded. Granted, I didn't just spend 12 hours every day releasing Pokémon.
who here /hatched a shiny while breeding for natures and now doesn't have the spirit to breed for a shiny with the correct one anymore/
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>>31995174 sometimes you just have to utilize a negative nature.
stealth rock, hammer arm
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
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>>31995113 I´d say that dog is the devil himself, but that wouldnt make much sense.
But demons celebrating christmas isnt either.
>>31995174 thats why i got myself tons of abra´s with synchronize, then got lots of ditto´s with differnt natures so i can get the right nature on the first egg. im always afraid of that, also when passing down different eggmoves.
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I don't know why I was fishing in an area with a chance of Staryu but now I have a 2nd shit natured shiny staryu
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
Well I'm calling it a night guys. Good luck with your hunts. Also I'm almost reaching max game time recorded. Fuck I need to get a life.
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
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>>31995301 Soon. i started a new game at around 600 hours so im posting this time-check
we´ll never get a life. never. Anonymous
Starting a sos hunt for psyduck, at least it should be a lot easier than the phantump hunt I did last week.
>>31995717 Well that was fast. Only 13th in the first chain.
Should I evolve my shiny cutiefly? It's male and in a heal ball, Timid nature. Was thinking about getting a female one and keeping this one as a cutiefly but I really like Ribombee too.
>>31996141 Ribombee is a 10/10 shiny, would recommend.
Got this yesterday, my first ever bred shiny Thankfully it had immunity and the right gender
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Why don't you just egg swap, the egg shinies in this game are predetermined.
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>>31996839 Ok maybe
Would probably be one of my first nicknamed shinies since I don't usually nickname them
>>31974192 I'm this guy, after 93 fucking boxes, FINALLY!
Shiny Living Dex Anon
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>>31997506 Jesus christ, lad. Congrats!
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So I just started seriously shiny hunting after I finished up Moon. I caught a shiny Beldum and Bagon using SOS, and now I plan on mix-matching some other methods. So, lemme see if I get this straight, here. If I want, say, a shiny Misdreavus. What I'd want is, like, a Kedabra with a Modest nature, the Synchronize ability, the Role Play move so I can the Ability of the enemy Pokemon, and then some leppa berries and an adren orb. Using this method, I can then switch to a Pokemon with soak or mold breaker or something and then just use False Swipe that way until I get the shiny that I want. Is this a solid plan?
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>>31996019 2nd of the night.
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>>31990844 >HA Beldum I'm sorry about your loss.
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>>31977947 Well... Not my golden rock wyrm but nice enough
Adamant sync worked and it's Sturdy so I can Ability Capsule him for Sand Stream
Quiet nature Should I kill myself?
Bit of a long shot but Alex, still got 5IV weedles in ORAS? I remember seeing you hunt for it would request one with tutor moves since I don't have oras
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
>>32000430 You want one of my 5IV weedle from ORAS in SM with move tutors? Knock off and Drill run? It's in a friend ball is it OK? Also do you want it nicknamed?
>>32000556 yeah, that's what I'm after but being the retard I was I didn't realize I can't access my 3DS in the next 7 hours or so
i'll try to get in contact at some point, that okay
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
>>32000566 We'll figure something out. If you remember your FC I could add you and arrange a meeting on the clock in the plaza.
>>32000620 3969-8977-9930
I'll be online from around 15:00 UTC, I can check /wfg/ as well
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
>>32000661 OK added I'm available at that time. I'll check wfg if I don't see you online then. So do you want it nicknamed? And what's your IGN so I know who to look for?
>>32000684 Nah, no nickname. IGN Laasti
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
>>32000688 OK I'll see you then.
>>32000709 I'm on now, want anything in return?
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
>>32002281 No it's fine. I'm coming online now.
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>>32002315 Thanks a bunch.
Alex - 1478-4558-2996 !!rEkSWzi2+mz
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>>32002281 I gave it some drugs too in atk and speed. And if you wonder y its so high level it's because it was the seed for my shiny so it gained some levels.
Slaine 1092-0419-2233
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Box 150. so fucking mad. fucking chickens.