When I think of untrustworthy developers, Gamefreak is one of the first names to come to mind. Gamefreak is, by far, the most overrated, undeserving group of talentless incompetent developers in the history of the industry.
I don't hate Pokemon. I've played every main series title. But the fact of the matter is that Pokemon is NOWHERE near as good as it should be. We're talking about one of the best selling series of all time, a franchise that rakes in hundreds of millions in profit every game. With that sort of cash flow, with that sort of immense fanbase, Pokemon games should all be AAA titles of excellent quality that provides huge amounts of entertainment for anyone.
Instead, Gamefreak cuts corners at every turn, pumping out barebones games that are OK to good.
Instead, Gamefreak gives us retardedly easy playthroughs that aren't satisfying to beat.
Instead, Gamefreak refuses to put a difficulty setting choice on the game, something that any 11 year old can do in an afternoon.
Instead, Gamefreak pumps out hit-or-miss designs. (I'm not shitting on new gen designs, but with the money they make Gamefreak should be able to hire the greatest minds in monster designing for their team. There should be little to no question of the quality of the designs at all.)
Instead, Gamefreak gives us linearshit regions with dead worlds and no exploration.
Instead, Gamefreak gives us uninspired 1-dimensional plots.
Instead, Gamefreak gives us no postgame except for competitive battles.
Gamefreak has no talent. Pokemon is just a lucky golden goose formula that people love regardless of how shitty the dev team is. Never in the history of copyright patents has a franchise been more mishandled. If Pokemon were handed over to a competent group, the franchise could potentially be the objectively greatest video game series of all time.