>Following Pokémon
>Expang customization to include more body types/ages (like Battle Revolution, make a couple of the options you didn't pick be your friends/rivals), more hair colors (pink, blue, etc). MORE CUSTOMIZATION FOR BOYS.
>More regional forms
>Fixing Ice, Grass and Bug type
>Keep the trend of having one bara starter, one feminine starter and one "cool" starter (NOT NECESSARILY HUMANOID)
>Don't just go back to Gyms, or at least make them as hard as trials, with real strategy, or make them not specialize in types, having other kinds of themes. ANYTHING but regular old boring gyms.
>Make the story feel a little more like an adventure, more exploration, make the story not involve legendaries and let them be stuff you find on your own, through lore and shit.
>Bring Contests back and flesh them out to be a complete competitive-able system that is just as valid as battles and can be explored side by side with gyms/whatever, has a "league" and etc
>Sinnoh Remakes