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Part II

No.32013542 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>dad walks in
>"Anon's Mom, our son is in there watching Pokemon Sun and Moon when he should be watching the superior Pokemon XY. No one in there right minds should sit through a shitty ass slice of life plot with an ugly generic art style and animation. That boy ain't right. He must take after you."
>"*sigh* is that all you think about Anon's Dad? Fucking Pokemon? Really? You know Tyrone was over yesterday and..."
>"You let him over our house again!?"
>"Anon's dad, the only thing you ever think about is a cartoon. Tyrone treats me like a women. I want a divorce..."
>"This is the thanks I get for working overtime!? I can't come home and watch some GOOD Pokemon on MY free time!?"
>"I want you out of the house Anon's dad. I'll try telling Anon when he comes out of his room..."
>Dad hits mom