Okay I believe I know were this is going to go, so let me make everything clear. Rowlet will evolve fully eventually, it's too early for them to show that there shielding it. And before you say rowlet is a cute comedy relief pokemon. Keep in mind that pokemon sun and moon anime is a comdey relief show. And also pikachu and rockruff did more comdey relief shit then rowlet. But yet they never get pointed at for it. Remember when pikachu and rockruff got fat, and then the next Sean they turned back to normal. Or the cute face that rockruff made when he ate the pancakes. No one called them out. And if you haven't realised yet the comedy relief pokemon is rotompokedex. There trying to separate rowlet from a comdey relief. Notice how they didn't do that bag shit anymore.
And as for litten he's likely to go into kukui's team. Because if you guys can't see kukui is pokemonless. Even a girl that is afraid to touch pokemon cough a pokemon before him. You. Barafags are so consistent on letting litten join ash's team. That you can't seem to see the guy who needs litten most. Not to mention litten and kukui have a lot incommon. There both matter, they both watch over people. And are you going to tell me that the masked royal and incinaroar were made wrestler biased for no reason. I have a hunch that in episode 16. Kukui and litten will notice each other. I'm not saying kukui will catch it automatically. I'm saying, maybe kukui might higher litten to watch over the other pokemons so they don't get into trouble. And as a reward he'll feed it. He'll be the replacement for the missing dog.