[86 / 8 / ?]
From Morimoto Shigeki:>To start, the first type was decided to be Flying-type since Lugia has wings. At the time Psychic-type was the symbol of powerful Pokemon. As we wanted Lugia to give the impression of being a powerful Pokemon, we settled on Psychic-type for the second type, instead of Water-type. >In short, the reason why Lugia is not a Water-type despite being underwater, is due to its Flying-type-like appearance, and Psychic-type being the symbol of a powerful Pokemon. >In addition, legendary duos represent opposite concepts, for example Groudon and Kyogre represent land and water, while Dialga and Palkia represent time and space. In the case of Ho-oh and Lugia, although they do not have a direct connection in the story, we imagine that they represent the sun and the moon, day and night, yin and yang (positive and negative), the undersea and the sky, above and below. >Ho-oh and Lugia were born in the world of Pokemon Gold and Silver, for the new feature, time system, gave us day and night cycle. Thus, they represent the sun and the moon, day and night.
Original Japanese text まず、ルギアは羽が生えたグラフィックをして飛んでいるので、1つ目のタイプとして「ひこうタイプ」が決まり、もう1つのタイプは、当時は強いポケモンの象徴として「エスパータイプ」があって、ルギアにも強いポケモンのイメージをつけるために、「みずタイプ」ではなく「エスパータイプ」がつけられたそうです。 よって、ルギアが水中を泳いでいるのに「みずタイプ」ではない理由は、見た目の「ひこうタイプ」は外せず、当時の強いポケモンの象徴として「エスパータイプ」が選ばれたからだそうです。 なお、グラードンとカイオーガは陸と海、ディアルガとパルキアは時間と空間というように、対になる伝説のポケモンは対立概念的なイメージがつけられていますが、ホウオウとルギアの場合は、ストーリー上で直接ホウオウとルギアが関係してくることはないものの、イメージとしては太陽と月、昼と夜、陰と陽、海底と天空、上と下というような意味があるそうです。 太陽と月、昼と夜というようなイメージは、ホウオウとルギアが元々、ポケットモンスター 金 銀で追加された時計機能の昼と夜の世界観の中で生まれたポケモンであるからだそうです。
Mr. Mime is a powerful pokemon?
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>>32070362 and a cutie pie
Okay, now what about Charizard
Psychic being considered the catch-all type for powerful Pokemon was pretty clear since Gen I. They still pull that shit, randomly sticking Psychic on legendaries they couldn't think of something better for.
So if the Tapus were introduced before Fairy existed, they'd be Electric/Psychic, Psychic, Grass/Psychic, and Water/Psychic?
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What's the source for this statement?
>>32070840 Psychic/Bug maybe, Lele is a butterfly.
This revelation significantly lowers my already low opinion on Solgaleo and Lunala.
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>>32070340 Well, that's a shit reasoning for that shitty decision.
>>32070840 i could see fini being psychic with lele and koko and bulu being fighting
electric/fighting koko would be fucking lit desu
>>32070746 It has wings lol
>>32072124 >It has wings Peliper has wings but it isn't a flying type
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>>32070340 >represent sun and moon I mean I guess this is why Ho-oh is being paired up with Necrozma, apart from the rainbow theme.
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>>32072185 >>32072191 whoops I was ninja'd
>>32070340 >It's psychic because this type represents strong pokemon Why isn't Ho-oh psychic as well then?
>Ho-oh and Lugia represent opposites >undersea and sky Ho-oh represents the sky and the sun, so it's fire and flying type. Makes sense
Lugia represents undersea....and also is flying type...
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All these years I just assumed they were being logical.
Lugia's natural habit isn't in the water. It's a bird. It only fled underwater to avoid hurting others. Also, as Lugia is the legendary bird trio master, Psychic is a more neutral elemental type for that.
>>32072228 Because it's a fucking phoenix
But nooope, I guess it's just cuz muh Psychics
All these years I just assumed they were being logical.
Lugia's natural habit isn't in the water. It's a bird. It only fled underwater to avoid hurting others. Also, as Lugia is the legendary bird trio master, Psychic is a more neutral elemental type for that.
But nooope, I guess it's just cuz muh Psychics
>>32072228 Because it's a fucking phoenix
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>>32072228 >Why isn't Ho-oh psychic as well then? It's a Phoenix, Fire/Flying is the logical typing for it.
Like they said, they just wanted to make Lugia seem powerful, so they made it a Psychic type.
>>32072366 >It only fled underwater to avoid hurting others this info is toasty warm, as you just pulled it from your ass
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>>32072378 I care enough to type what I am currently typing in this reply box but not enough to open another tab and take the minute it would take to grab a pokédex entry.
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>>32070340 >Thus, they represent the sun and the moon, day and night. I guess that explains why Ho-oh first appearance was flying over a rainbow after the storm in the first episode.
It's also worth noting that Lugia was created for the anime
http://omnamahashivaya.info/archives/759.html Lugia wasn't created until the production of the second movie started, this explains why it's so "out of the way" compared to Ho-Oh
Ho-Oh was created for the games, but Lugia was created for the anime and put in the game afterwards
>>32070340 >Sun and Moon >Yin and Yang >sky and sea They literally represent things that half the other legendaries do
>>32072027 this post made me realize there's no electric/fighting pokemon and now I really want to see one
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>>32073219 Maybe a mega electivire?
>>32072628 >Lugia was created for the anime >Ho-oh Show up i the first episode The Mind of Game Freak's higher ups is an enigma
>>32070340 Psychic types were indeed a symbol of powerful pokémon back then. But so were dragon types, and Lugiaresembles a wyvern more than a bird.
Wouldn't being the opposite of Ho-oH make it Water/Dark instead of Flying Psychic?
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>>32072378 >he didn't read the dex entries from every gen >he didn't put it together that Lugia caused the storm that killed the Beast Trio, which is what prompted it to leave in the first place Anonymous
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>>32072628 What's this site exactly and why is it reliable? Are there actual translations anywhere?
You autismos still want Lugia to have a 4x weakness to Electric for the flavor? Fuck out of here with that bullshit
>>32070802 I hate this even more since they refused to retcon Victini to be Fire/Fairy.
>>32074304 Finally someone say it.
4x weakness to Zapdos would make Lugia a terrible trio master.
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>>32073588 Dark? Water/Dragon makes more sense as they wanted Lugia to convey the feeling of a "powerful" legendary.
>>32074584 Psychic makes more sense based on being a legendary that enables victory. Fairy if anything is more like another nature-associated type next to grass(Xerneas having a tree form, Tapus being specialized tikis that protect islands etc). Why do people keep insisting that looking like a fairy makes you a fairy?
real talk why is groudon red or why does his ability boost fire moves but he's not fire
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>>32070746 He controls fire and can fly. Fire/flying makes as much sense as fire/dragon and flying/dragon.
>>32072003 Source was from 2009.I wonder if he'd still say the same now.
>>32073492 Not really, they said the anime(and most merch at the time) existed solely to promote what later became gen 2, and later added a pokemon for it(not that different than what they do now since most events seem to exist solely to promote movies and dont do much else).
Essentially gen 2 was conceived including hooh>the anime is made>they want to make a 2nd movie>lugia.
>>32075124 Probably before primal groudon became a thing the idea was that groudon had solar beam as a SE hit on kyogre, as well as removing the water weakness, while under harsh sunlight.
I still believe they should have had been ground/fire and water/electric from the start, giving both a SE STAB on the other
>>32072366 >Because it's a fucking phoenix And Lugia is a fucking aquatic dragon thing.
>>32075207 it's not
besides dragon doesn't mean dragon literally but some dragon energy shit
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>>32070340 lmao that's fucking retarded
gen 2 was a mistake
>>32075229 So living underwater isn't being aquatic now?
I knew Solgaleo and Lunala were redundant.
>>32075256 >>32072003 Why are you samefagging? And what the hell do you have against them?
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>>32070340 >Ho-oh and Lugia, although they do not have a direct connection in the story, we imagine that they represent the sun and the moon >they represent the sun and the moon Pokemon Stars confirmed to take place in Johto.
Glue your wigs on girls.
>>32075244 Lugia didn't even originate in the water.
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>>32075262 >only 1 person is allowed to not like what I like Anonymous
>>32075281 >is blue >lives in water >feet look like they were specifically made for swimming >learns hydro pump by level up Why are you so keen on defending it not being Water type when it was literally just made Psychic because "hurr le Psychic is stronk XD"? Stop sucking GF's dick.
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>>32074304 >Pokemon shouldn't have fitting types if it gives them weaknesses Fuck off
>>32075332 he meant Lugia lived in the burned tower in ecruteak before it burned up.
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>>32075244 then why isn't almost every pokemon ground type
>>32075361 You think Lugia magically spawned in the tower? How do you know it wasn't born in the sea and decided to return after the tower burned down?
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>>32073078 They came before the formula of having thematic legendaries came about, so they were just balanced opposites. In today's perspective, they stand out as being the only legends with no real meaning.
We also know from Takeshi Shuudo that the anime staff requested Lugia be made, because he didn't think the legendary birds could carry a movie and wanted them to have a higher authority.
>>32074599 >4x weakness to Zapdos would make Lugia a terrible trio master. Anime is not canon to the games.
Sea spirits den is not confirmation. Anonymous
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>>32075423 That would explain why Lugia feels so much like a last-minute addition.
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>>32075384 Nigga, you're the one arguing lore for a fake bird in a game about catching monsters that fit in your pocket on a mongolian image board. Just accept that it's not water type and move on.
>>32075256 >yin and yang >undersea and sky The only legendary box pokemon that aren't redundant are ruby, diamond, pearls, platinum, x and y so there are just as many redundant legends as there are original ones.
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>>32070948 psychic/psychic, obviously
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>>32075423 The birds can carry a movie, they are three diferent characters whose lore is suddenly minimal you could do anything with them.
This is basic stuff, but of course a person to involved in the pokemon anime wont know that. Glad at least we got Lugia out of it.
>>32075513 Dialga has celebi, what does palkia have anyways?
Also, kyogre being the same as suicune is arguable.
And what other pokemon represent truth, ideals and the byproduct of their separation?
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>>32075703 >>32075513 Diss the palkia part, didnt read you put pearl
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>>32075187 water still hits for SE Damage with or without sun.
STAB Quake is still awesome though
>>32075124 The theme was land and sea expansion.
Land = Ground Type
Harsh sun dries up water and makes more land
Sea = Water
Heavy downpours flood and cover the land making more sea.
even though lugia can fly, I just considered them ocean/sky spirits. Do they really have connections to the sun and moon?
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>>32076119 No...the quote was made in 2009.
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>>32076119 >ocean/sky spirits That's kyogre and rayquaza
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>>32072628 Takeshi shudo was the creator of lugia
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>>32076119 The anime warped people's perception of what lugia is. Not the only victim of this even.
As for the sun and moon connection, here you have an statement of someone involved that they represent it, even if there's no such thing in the lore.
Actually, what was solgaleo and lunala's connection again?
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>>32075609 Ash-Greninja is also in the games.
Ash himself isn't.
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>>32076119 I don't think he means sun and moon literally, but as a representation of their nature as "harmonious opposites." Like Yin and Yang balance each other, so do Ho-Oh and Lugia.
Solgaleo and Lunala, on the other hand, are direct representatives.
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>>32070340 >Thus, they represent the sun and the moon, day and night. >Not included in SM at all BRAVO GAMEFREAK
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>>32072366 >Lugia's natural habit isn't in the water. It's a bird. It only fled underwater to avoid hurting others. Also, as Lugia is the legendary bird trio master, Psychic is a more neutral elemental type for that. My thoughts exactly.
>>32072378 Dude you know why it's called the burned tower right?
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>>32075384 >How do you know it wasn't born in the sea and decided to return after the tower burned down? Because it's a bird