>>32112905>This auto biography.And also this,
>Decidueye has a bad stat spread.Witch is completely not true. The only thing that's messed up about his stats spread is his speed and special attack. They should be swapped. Decidueye looks fast, and if he's able to jump high, and react in seconds, that would mean his speed was supposed to be really high. And just look at his legs, are you really telling me that it's right that venasuar can out speed him. And he can't even learn any special attacking moves by level up. That's how you know something is wrong about the stats.
His other stats are good or fairly decent. But that's exactly what he is decent. Decidueye is not the greatest or the worst so stop down playing him. He's just decent. And you don't here any owlfags anymore saying Decidueye is OU material, because even now they've noticed And excepted that he's just that he's just decent.
But on the other corner we have the cat and seal, the seal it's good I'll admit it. In fact I feel like it's being down played being placed in UU. But with all of those crazy tapus running around it's quit easy to tell way it's at that position.
Now the cat.
Look the cat is good too, Its the bulkyest out of the three, and it could deal heavy damage back, it's a good wall breaker. Trust me it's good. But that's the problem here, because it's good it leads the database to get a little bit aragant, same goes for the seals. Since there so good they start down playing the owl, like what you did. You said his stat spread sucks but in reality it's just his underwellming speed. Witch was a great weakness for the cat and the seal to exploit. You guys take the decent mon and try to make it seem worst then it actually is.
And as for the who picked on who first. It still wasn't the owlfags who started the war. Remember when that one guy got a early copy of moon. And when we saw that rowlet was slower then we thought cats and seal jumped him.