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/vpmd/- /VP/ mystery dungeon

!dbIeAiRhZ2 No.32115828 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
What a Doll Edition

Prev thread: >>32106498
Screencaps of previous threads(thanks to sceencap anon!):

Story so far: You are Ron, a human who one day turned into a Tepig. Along with your friend Oshawott, you started an exploration team, investigating a mystery of a captured Shaymin, a rogue Tapu Koko, and a dying world. Check the screencaps to catch up!
You have recently been exploring a mansion in search of a Buizel who, along with many other pokemon from the city, was dragged away by some hypontic music. Your search has led you into the mansion's master bedroom, where one of the ghosts' bosses, Banette waited. Despite seeming invulnerable to attacks, you discovered Banette's weakness, defeated it, and acquired TWO keys for someone in the mansion. Everything seems calm and wrapped up, when a portal opened to spit out a familiar pokemon...