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[19 / 2 / ?]

New Move ideas

No.32139620 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Jaw Roll
Type: Dark
BP: 150
Accuracy: 90%
PP: 5
Description: Deals heavy damage. User has to rest next turn.
Pokémon: Totodile line, Sandile line

Nitro Dash
Type: Fire
BP: 40
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 30
Description: Allows user to attack first.
Pokémon: Ponyta line, Flareon, Entei, Fletchinder, Talonflame

Auto Repair
Type: Steel
PP: 20
Description: Recovers 1/16th of user's HP each turn.
Pokémon: Magnemite line, Aron line, Beldum line, Klink line

What do you think?