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22KiB, 530x392, australia_region_map__pokemon__by_chickboyzt-d5pwbih.png
Quoted By: >>32142359 >>32142700 >>32145572
Every time the possibility of an Australia based region comes up, people say that there's not much that can be done with it, but how about this.
we have a few unique species including indigetention that evolves into aborison
Of course we need legendaries, and here are some!There are three main mythical pokemon - boozee and gasniff who must be brought to summon the third - curvstick
The evil team of course is trying to collect enough centrelink to summon boozee and gasniff to summon curvstick which they'll try to use to become powerful but it'll ultimately turn out to be completely useless as it's the 21th century
You'll defeat them and but they'll follow you around and yell at you until you apologise
we have a few unique species including indigetention that evolves into aborison
Of course we need legendaries, and here are some!There are three main mythical pokemon - boozee and gasniff who must be brought to summon the third - curvstick
The evil team of course is trying to collect enough centrelink to summon boozee and gasniff to summon curvstick which they'll try to use to become powerful but it'll ultimately turn out to be completely useless as it's the 21th century
You'll defeat them and but they'll follow you around and yell at you until you apologise