Hey guys!! In this episode of /pga/, we're giving away a Shiny 6IV lv. 1 Giratina from Heart Gold and Soul Silvers Arceus Event!! To get one, simply throw a Yungoos up on GTS, and ask for a Giratina lv. 1!!
For more giveaways, be sure to check out /pga/'s Discord, at:
https://discord.gg/4bty6 You can also visit /pdc/ at:
Kek - /pga/ !!Oo4HKvgChbl
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>>32143969 Also, we're looking for someone who's good with Photoshop, for our thread pics. If you're interested, please stop by.
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IGN Tiino Yungoos male lvl 15 Please trade Pokémon with me Thanks in advance
It's been like half an hour and I haven't gotten my Giratina. What gives?
Kek - /pga/ !!Oo4HKvgChbl
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>>32144224 Just be patient anon, it's coming. The event is live.
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Tiino yungoos is nicknamed XYZ lul
just through up a yungoos with the name "Leaf". now going to sleep, thank you in advance
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>>32143969 Alright, just put a Yungoos lvl 1 up on the gts.
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IGN lil spooby Yungoos male lvl 11 Please trade Pokémon with me Thanks in advance
guys its a bot you dont need to post your IGN
Kek - /pga/ !!Oo4HKvgChbl
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>>32144462 This is correct. In the event of a manual giveaway outside of gts, I would say it in the OP.
Kek - /pga/ !!Oo4HKvgChbl
>>32144365 Just saw that one. Thanks.
Kek - /pga/ !!Oo4HKvgChbl
>>32144527 What would you guys like to see in tomorrow's giveaway?
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>>32144557 Zekrom/Reshiram/Kyurem maybe? I love the asymmetry of kyurem and its formes.
ALso I just deposited a non-nicknamed yungoos is that okay?
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Kek I was removed from the server from someone, could you post an updated invite link please?
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I actually got one. Impressive work
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>>32144557 as a pleb i'll take whatever you'll give
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>>32143969 ign Daniel
deposited a lvl 1 female yungoss in a great ball. thank you OP!
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This still going?