What's up with Dragonite?
Where did the ears go? Dratinis are cute, and Dragonair's are my favorite part of the Pokemon. Dragonite gets antennae for some reason?
Dratini's forehead bump grows into a horn on Dragonair, then Dragonite's horn relocates to the top of its head and becomes flesh colored. Why is this?
Why is Dragonite so fat? Dratini to Dragonair - slims down, more elegant and graceful looking, then Dragonite packs on all the weight and gets all dopey looking.
And the beads. Apparently they are how Dragonair controls weather. And they are nowhere to be found on Dragonite. Does it lose this ability? Seems odd.
Is the line based on something that I'm not aware of? The first two seem to be based on japanese/chinese water dragons, what with the weather controlling and bringing good fortune to those who find them. What the hell is Dragonite? Help me please to understand