Yeah, I'm losing my edge
I'm losing my edge
The kids are coming up from behind
I'm losing my edge
I'm losing my edge to the kids from Reddit and from Tumblr
But I was there
I was there in Gen V
I was there at the first N poster got quints
I'm losing my edge
I'm losing my edge to the kids who make generals, and inject
I'm losing my edge to the breeders who can tell me every good pallete swap of every good mon from gen IV to gen VII
I'm losing my edge
To all the kids in /gad/ and /pdc/
I'm losing my edge to the VGC players in little jackets and borrowed nostalgia for the unremembered gen I meta
But I'm losing my edge
I'm losing my edge, but I was there
I was there
But I was there
I'm losing my edge
I'm losing my edge
I can hear the footsteps every night on the decks
But I was there
I was there in when armaldo was /vp/s least hated pick
I was working on a nuzlocke, in the generals
I was there when snivy was called smugleaf
I told him, "Don't do it that way. You'll never make a good starter."
I was there
I was the first guy in the Tentaquil thread
I reposted it on all the generals
Everybody thought I was crazy
We all know
I was there
I was there
I've never been wrong