>>32204023No, I'm pretty sure you're the one who is retarded here. Control doesn't necessarily mean 100%, and Adrenaline Orbs count as a form of control for the player. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
And once again, just because you personally don't like it and think it's a hassle, doesn't refute my point at all. Have you even hatched eggs before? It's a godsend to have a passive 18 egg hatcher and meh, if you prefer ST to Evelup, that's your preference, fine.
And no, you couldn't get that many berries in XYORAS. This time it's my turn to exclaim tedium and hassle. Are you really going to try and claim that individually planting and watering each berry over several days and getting a variable amount of berries is easier and the same as simply planting 18 EV berries in Pelago and getting 14 berries from each plant the next day? Really? And because of how easy it is, there's no point to wasting time reducing EVs with any other service, it's the most convenient way possible since it takes 30 seconds to completely wipe an EV spread with the berries.
And for the last one, you simply have not played the game. This is just retarded, as much as I dislike resorting to petty insults.
You don't go and summon a horde of Pokemon of EVs you don't want or one with an unrelated EV additional support, same as you don't go and summon a Pokemon that can only SOS with a terrible call rate or summons something like Exeggute. You go and SOS something like Caterpie, which will almost ALWAYS call. It takes the same amount of time, both hordes and SOS if you set battle animations to off for both and have the proper power items for both. I've timed it.
Try and actually play the game next time