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This seems like a nice thread.
Shuckle is one of my favorite creatures in any game ever. Ever since I was a child turtles were my favprite animal, I adored them. I remember being dissapointed in the squirtle like as other then the shell they didn't much after actual turtles. In comes shuckle and its everything zi love about turtles, its cute, lazy, and uses its shell as a defense mechanism. Of course kid me didn't really think about the fact it was bug/rock type but it was a turtle to me. As I've got older I've seen countless people say what they think it is which is always interesting. The most likely to me is a scale insect but I want to believe it takes inspiration frim multiple things and ideas to be...just shuckle. And I love that.
As a design shuckle is just perfect. Its cute, silly, easily recognizable, interesting, its just perfect. Even in a world of ridiculous creatures shuckle is the oddball out. Its just a weird rock, worm, barnicle, scale insect, jar, fungus thing that wishes to be left alone with its rotten berries. I relate to that, its a lazy little guy. I can write an essay how much I love it, shuckle is just great.