>>32212367>LusamineCrazy. Not in a good way. Looks are great, but personality is too problematic. A better crazy waifu would be Courtney.
>CynthiaFace looks like man's. Looks better in 3D. Clothes are shit. Boring as fuck personality. The only thing she has going for her is her hair. A better blonde waifu would be Lusamine. At least she's not boring, just terrible.
>ElesaFair enough. I would argue that her hair is a bit ridiculous, but not that big of an issue.
>MayleneCan easily be mistaken for a boy. Lacks feminine charm. Might be better by SM's time, a bit grown up.
>KorrinaFair enough.
>JasmineBoring personality, boring looks. Her hair looks just bad. Unless all you care about is forehead, she is a terrible waifu.