[50 / 9 / ?]
I missed out on pretty much every Pokemon distribution before 2016 because I honestly couldn't be bothered, but after the 20th anniversary i managed to get pretty much every mythical, plus extras, since I've had both versions (no friends, what's new?). In return for a non-hacked, not shiny Diancie in Gen VI, I can give away the shiny Kalos legendaries that were given out (plus the Zygarde, even though it wasn't shiny for some reason), Darkrai, Victini, Keldeo, Hoopa, Volcanion, Arceus, Meloetta, Genesect, or the Bank Regi trio. I HAVE OTHERS, SO I AM ALWAYS WILLING TO NEGOTIATE. plz no bully
Feodor 2638-0180-1235
Feodor 2638-0180-1235
Feodor 2638-0180-1235
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bump plox desu xD
Feodor 2638-0180-1235
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Really? nobody?
Feodor 2638-0180-1235
>>32216062 i think it's pretty clear i don't like hacking?
Feodor 2638-0180-1235
>>32216110 (Let alone condone it, but i don't want to start that conversation...)
Feodor 2638-0180-1235
i should note that if you have a legit Diancie and clone it with save states, then that's fine in my book.
>>32216110 >>32216151 >>32216223 >I don't like hacking >But if you hack it it's fine Feodor 2638-0180-1235
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>>32216240 injecting pokemon and manipulating save states are completely seperate. i came here to fill out my pokedex, not be judged by a couple of autists
Feodor 2638-0180-1235
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i honestly don't even care about what kind of rebuttal you have. i want to play a babby game. let me play my babby game the way i like and move on with my life.
>>32213757 Try this thread. They might be able to help you there.
Feodor 2638-0180-1235
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>>32216374 please stop samefagging. you're just wasting my time. Don't you have homework to do? or does Elementary School still not give out homework on Fridays?
I can give you one. I can give you several. I can give you anything you want.
Feodor 2638-0180-1235
>>32216478 here's your (you). Are you happy? Are you proud of yourself? You made someone online mad. Give yourself a fucking medal, you basement dwelling faggot nigger.
Feodor 2638-0180-1235
>>32216500 i don't even want the fucking Pokemon anymore. I'm leaving the thread, please enjoy yourself here. do whatever the fuck you want with this thread. it's all yours.
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>>32216500 You know you want to. It's so easy. Instant gratification. Almost like injecting yourself.
>>32216509 Shit I just saw the thread, I got you bro. I got my hands on 3 legit ones. still there?
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One diancie for all the shiny legendaries + shiny Zygarde? Deal. You still there OP? Please be there.
Feodor 2638-0180-1235
>>32216704 Sigh... can you send me a pic of them with today's date written on a paper? I honest to god don't trust anyone on here. Here's a pic of some of the mythicals I have, the others I mentioned in the OP are on separate cartridges. Any particular one that you want?
>>32216873 give me a bit something just came up and I gotta step away for an hour or two but I'll gladly keep this thread open and auto refreshing. here's the thing tho. I don't want a legendary. to be honest, in the grand scheme of things they aren't worth shit. I want a pikachu that knows both surf and fly.
>>32216946 >I want a pikachu that knows both surf and fly. Anon, I...
>>32216873 Mine is better. My diancie is level 100 and has a bunch of ORAS ribbons.
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>>32215255 Just
ask reddit lol
Feodor 2638-0180-1235
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>>32216946 sorry anon, I'm giving away Pokemon that more than two people on the planet own. Good luck with someone else
>>32216980 I really don't care about ribbons, and unless someone provides evidence, I'm going to be ignoring them. Ok? Ok.
>>32216873 >Err...I can't trust anyone. I have no friends a-durka-derrr! This is 4chan. What did you expect? Dumbass.
Feodor 2638-0180-1235
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>>32217035 I've met good people on 4chan. Sorry that you've been less lucky than me.
Tomato 3625-8577-4481 !QqL8nX9URE
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>>32217112 >Naive >Gyro Ball Anonymous
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>>32216952 Why do people always doubt that this exists in gen 6? It's a serial code event.
>>32217112 My Steel Type Pokémon kills this in seconds flat.
Tomato 3625-8577-4481 !QqL8nX9URE
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>>32217152 Hey, OP didn't specify the Diancie had to be optimized for battle.
Feodor 2638-0180-1235
perhaps it's my autism speaking, but i would PREFER if the Diancie wasn't really trained for anything. As close as possible to what it would've been like at the point it was obtained would be best.
Tomato 3625-8577-4481 !QqL8nX9URE
>>32217213 Well, that's the only one I got.
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>>32217213 Just use a fucking reset bag.
Feodor 2638-0180-1235
>>32217256 Well, what do you want in return?
Tomato 3625-8577-4481 !QqL8nX9URE
>>32217288 The shiny Kalos legendaries.
Feodor 2638-0180-1235
>>32217298 So both shiny Xerneas and Shiny Yveltal? keep in mind the Zygarde they distributed at the same time wasn't shiny.
Tomato 3625-8577-4481 !QqL8nX9URE
Feodor 2638-0180-1235
>>32217337 alright, friend me then.
Tomato 3625-8577-4481 !QqL8nX9URE
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>>32217384 Done. I'm online.
Tomato 3625-8577-4481 !QqL8nX9URE
>>32217384 You only gave me Xerneas?
Feodor 2638-0180-1235
>>32217502 Hold on, I'll give u Yveltal in a sec (I know I know "this doesn't seem fishy at all", sorry, just hold on, something's demanding my attention)
Feodor 2638-0180-1235
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>>32217515 ok im back, accept my trade request
Tomato 3625-8577-4481 !QqL8nX9URE
Sweet, thanks! Good trade.
Feodor 2638-0180-1235
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>>32217548 thanks, have fun!