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No.32222603 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>as part of Pokémon's 10th anniversary, Diamond and Pearl introduces many evolutions for many shitmons that really needed it (with exception of Kirlia/Gardevoir and Eevee)
>most of them were or are still viables nowadays

>as part of Pokémon's 20th anniversary, Sun and Moon introduced regional variations of Gen 1 Pokémon that only change its stats, abilities, minmax their stats, and call it "a new Pokémon"
>10 of the 18 regional variations are fully evolved Pokémon and only 3 of them are viable (Ninetales, Muk and Marowak)

Will be ever get cross-gen evolutions again? Ten years ago nobody thought that Pokémon like Tangela, Sneasel or Piloswine would be viable