>>32222824Generation I made Pokemon, laid a framework and gave a standard all Pokemon will be judged with. There were all sorts of Pokemon here, tough and monstrous, cute and round, objects, everything. But they were mostly detailed to be more realistic and animalistic. Overall great.
Generation II tried the same, but failed for various reasons. Maybe it was that people got bored of that style, maybe the new ones were just not as interesting. Whatever it was, it tried to be Generation I, and it didn't work. Overall weak.
Generation III changed things up. Now the Pokemon were no longer as animalistic or monstrous. Used more experimental and bright colors, different shapes and such. It worked out well. Overall great.
Generation IV went overboard. Spikes, dark colors, unnecessarily busy designs. Tried to be too much. The few good design that came out were really good, though. Disliked how it forced so many older Pokemon to evolve because the newer designs were worse for some of them. Overall okay.
Generation V tried too much as well, but kept it simple. Made too many filler and unnecessary Pokemon, and tried to be different from the rest of the series. Mostly failed. A few great Pokemon, mostly just things that don't need to exist, or some just outright terrible looking Pokemon. Overall okay.
Generation VI went back to Generation III style, but focusing more on the themes and tried to make Pokemon look more unique. If you count Mega Evolutions, it also added upon already existing ones in a good way, one that didn't feel forced like IV crossgen evolutions. Overall great.
Generation VII is mostly the same as VI, having simple designs with brighter colors, but a lot of new ones were a bit more gritty. Also added to the already established Pokemon with Alolan forms. Tried to be more experimental with UBs, which resulted in some great Pokemon. Overall great.
If I had to rank them, I would say Gen 1/3 > 6/7 > 5 > 4 > 2. Gen 2 felt particularly underwhelming to me.