me or an aggron named
So, :a:as:a: if anime isn't already :chart_with_downwards_trend:bad:chart_with_downwards_trend: by itself, now you motherfuckers are :ideograph_advantage:getting:ideograph_advantage: into little something :calling:called :calling: TRAPS. Basically, it's:flag_it: a:a::a: :sunglasses:dude:sunglasses: that dresses:dress: like:two_women_holding_hands: :a:a:a: chick:hatched_chick:, has :u6709: a:a: dick and you say it:flag_it: isn't gay. Well, I'm here:round_pushpin: to tell you: It´s FUCKING GAY. If I :walking:walk:walking: up:point_up: to you right :arrow_forward: fucking now, me being:honey_pot: a:a: :sunglasses:dude:sunglasses: and you :bee:being :bee: a:a: dude:sunglasses:, and you get:ideograph_advantage: turned up:point_up: by me, that would be gay. It's no :persevere: different for fucking traps. Just cause they dress:dress: like:wedding: :a:a:a::a: :baby_chick:chick:baby_chick:, don't mean:smirk: they are a:a::a: :hatching_chick:chick:hatching_chick:. They :ideograph_advantage:got :ideograph_advantage: :a:a:a: dick and it's:flag_it::flag_it: GAY. And don't say the dick makes it:flag_it: cuter, cause that doesn't make it:flag_it: cuter, that makes :flag_it:it:flag_it: even:waxing_crescent_moon: gayer, that makes you gay, BITCH. And you send me :frame_photo:pictures :frame_photo: of them, with their little skirts lifted and their fucking :nut_and_bolt:nuts:nut_and_bolt::nut_and_bolt: hanging out. I don't want see:see_no_evil: that :poop:shit :poop:, I'm not gay like:thumbsup: you.