>>32231657these are the ones I came up with myself, I imagined the 4 rocky planets as 580 basestat minor legendaries, neptune,uranus and saturn as a 600 basestat trio and Jupiter as a 680 top dog legendary
Pressure/Shadow Tag
Serene Grace/Levitate
Air Lock/Clear Body
Speed Boost/Gale Wings
I can definitely see where your electric type for jupiter comes (magnetic field) from and it was a severe toss-op between psychic and electric (psychic for the gravity) and honestly I like electric more so imma change that
As for why I didn't make mars ground/steel well simply: mercury is the planet with the highest metal percentage and mars has those very visible polar caps
I'd make uranus ice type at the very least given its the coldest planet in the solar system (somehow colder than neptune, go figure) and dark I don't think fits given it has a fairly high albedo
it is known for being utterly featureless in every way hence ice normal (and yes I am aware of just how utterly that type sucks)
as for neptune: it deserves a flying type honestly given it has the most violent atmosphere in the entire solar system, it also contains zero water. Massive attack stat is once again based on that hyper violent atmosphere
and a bit on the stats: maybe you noticed but HP is based on the mass of the planets and speed based on their orbital velocity
And my choice for saturns strange typing (ghost, the fuck) is a bit of a joke based on how its density is low enough it would actually float on water