[6 / 1 / ?]
Quoted By: >>32285715
Squaresoft 90's squaresoft
>alot more mythological beasts
>3v3 from the beginning
>probably set a legend of mana like setting than modern contemporary at first
>the world wouldn't be so black and white
>most likely the usually mp system instead of attacks having their own pp
>actual danger instead of the rocket bs
>would have been a sprite based game on the ps1
>elemental variants would have been introduced earlier
>mystery dungeon spin offs would have been around earlier too
>Most legendaries would be bosses and uncatchable
>90's Sony
>larger game area
>Honestly would have probably had the Arc the lad battle system (5v5 battles on a wide battle field terrain)
> sprite based as well
>probably more dinosaurs
>larger game area overall
>equip items would be a thing earlier
>probably only 8 types
>more moe girls
>only 4 types at most 7
>no regular animals
> more robots
>would have the NIS battle formula
>alot more uncatchables
>less pokemon introduced per gen
>alot more mythological beasts
>3v3 from the beginning
>probably set a legend of mana like setting than modern contemporary at first
>the world wouldn't be so black and white
>most likely the usually mp system instead of attacks having their own pp
>actual danger instead of the rocket bs
>would have been a sprite based game on the ps1
>elemental variants would have been introduced earlier
>mystery dungeon spin offs would have been around earlier too
>Most legendaries would be bosses and uncatchable
>90's Sony
>larger game area
>Honestly would have probably had the Arc the lad battle system (5v5 battles on a wide battle field terrain)
> sprite based as well
>probably more dinosaurs
>larger game area overall
>equip items would be a thing earlier
>probably only 8 types
>more moe girls
>only 4 types at most 7
>no regular animals
> more robots
>would have the NIS battle formula
>alot more uncatchables
>less pokemon introduced per gen