>>32298802I'm trying to be positive and I'm posting more related pics with every post, so it's not really derailed. We're posting the pics the OP requested and discussing the topic the OP presented. Your post is the most transparent bait in the thread ya dingus.
>>32298821I think you're right for sure. I wouldn't call it fake love, even though that's definitely what it is, more like infatuation though or even just arousal. That feeling is so strong, and has to be since it was honed over millions of years to spur us toward the efforts needed to reproduce, and it fades after a while. People that mistake it for real love often end up getting married and stuff really fast and then when it fades they seek the feeling elsewhere and cheat and do other unsavory things, not to mention without a foundation of true love and without the "fake love" anymore the whole thing crumbles. Real love takes time and effort to build and is a lot more subtle. Sort of like comparing the euphoria you briefly feel from a drug to true and lasting, but far more subtle, happiness you build through leading a good life. I'm probably less experienced than a lot of people but perhaps a slightly faster learner.